Guard Captain Kruzk'Chakkoursi Ixlu R'kynsss Sssk'yll Krax Sssver'klysss Character in Kyrælm | World Anvil
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Guard Captain Kruzk'Chakkoursi Ixlu R'kynsss Sssk'yll Krax Sssver'klysss

Guard Captain Kruzk'Chakkoursi Ixlu R'kynsss Sssk'yll Krax Ixlu R'kynsss Sssk'yll Krax Sssver'klysss

"You can still make a fist, yes? Then you will live. Move on."

Kruzk'Chakkoursi was a well-respected bounty hunter, responsible for tracking down and capturing some of the country's most notorious and elusive criminals, until an on-the-job injury forced him to retire. He has since passed The Bounty Hunter title down to one of his sons, and spends his days fishing Verden Lake and training new guar recruits in Galtar.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Strong, with visible muscles across his entire body. He walks with a distinct limp due to an old injury.

Facial Features

Distinct scars around the eyes and mouth

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Kruz's father was hunter and soldier for his tribe in Ofenor. It was a dangerous life, and by the time he was an adult, Kruz was the last surviving member of his clutch. This was expected, having been the fastest and strongest of his siblings. He excelled at hunting both the jungle wildlife and the enemies of his tribe, learning to track and attack his prey violently from ambush. The turning point in his life approached unexpectedly, when his father was struck down in combat by a lone human wanderer fleeing the jungles of Ofenor. Kruz wasn't able to catch the wanderer immediately, but, donning his fallen father's weapons and armor, he swore vengeance upon his father's killer, and spent the next several years tracking them down, eventually bringing them to justice on the far coast of Froenia. It was while he was deciding what to do next that he met his would-be mate, Iasinrah. She was from Glemstel, in southern Rigdune, and had been wandering much like himself after circumstances drove her from her home. The two decided to become life-mates, and decided to settle in Galtar. Because of his natural aptitude for tracking, Kruz took up bounty hunting, and spent much of his adult life honing his tracking and ambush skills bringing in wanted and dangerous criminals. When his children were born, he prayed to Fanar, the god of justice, to tell him which of his children should take up his mantle, continuing the family legacy. At first, he expected it would be Kisk'Oakki, his strongest daughter, or Chox'Eto, the fastest, and first-hatched son; however, he knew when he saw Vosssk'Triiackzesss breaking up a fight between his other children, that Fanar had chosen him to bear the legacy. Vosssk was perhaps the least remarkable of his children, but under Kruz's tutelage, he would perhaps become a passable warrior.

Gender Identity

Kruz sees little difference between males and females of his species, aside from the anatomy necessary to produce fertilized eggs.


Like most Gaskh, Kruz is masculine. He sees no reason to bear a sexual attraction to the same sex, as the union of the two cannot bear fertilized eggs.


Kruz was provided on-the-job education by his father, who taught him how to track, fight and hunt.


In his youth, Kruz was a hunter and soldier, bringing food to his tribe, and death to his emenies (often with the same kill). As an adult, he took up bounty hunting. Now, he has retired from bounty hunting, and instead is a fisherman, and guard captain for Galtar.

Mental Trauma

Kruz is still haunted by the night he received his injury, holding himself responsible for much of the destruction caused, and lives lost. He becomes reclusive on stormy nights, trying to escape the memories that come forth with each flash of lightning and each crack of thinder.

Intellectual Characteristics

Kruz is a highly logical individual with little empathy. He has a talent for breaking down facts and piecing together disparate information into an interconnected web. However, he does not comfort the sick, the sad, or the grieving, offering only the advice to move on, so that one can survive the next day.

Morality & Philosophy

Kruz is a Lawful individual, believing that actions taken which harm others needlessly are both illogical and punishable. During his time as a bounty hunter, he was known to offer "extracurricular punishment" to bounties, when he knew that the penal system that would ultimately be handling them was not sufficient for his admittedly high standards.

Personality Characteristics


To protect Galtar and its people.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Excellent tracker, can practically smell lies, but lacks people skills.

Virtues & Personality perks

Noble, protective

Vices & Personality flaws

Lacks empathy

Strong, well-respected lizarfolk and former bounty hunter turned guard captain. Kruzk trains new members of the town guard, and organizes patrols, keeping the town of Galtar safe from outside threats. His time as a bounty hunter has honed his senses to a razor's edge, and he can smell trouble from a league away.

Character Location
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Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Retired, training guardsmen in Galtar
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Bounty Hunter, Guard Captain
Late Middle-Age
Current Residence
A small hut near the lakeside docks at Galtar.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Deep Blue Scales
Quotes & Catchphrases
You can still make a fist, yes? Then you will live. Move on.
Known Languages
Common: Fluent
Gaskh: Native
Elven: Conversational

Cover image: Lizard Warrior by Veli Nyström


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