Kuro Kage Character in Kustaanos | World Anvil

Kuro Kage

I believe law must be upheld. What I do not believe in are social ranks, but the idea of merit. All should have a chance for greatness; the Guan exists only through the meaninglessness of blood, not true worth. It shall be reformed.
~ Kuro Kage ~

An arrogant, abashed wizard who grew up abandoned by the Yuan-Ti, Kurokage has a desire to reshape Dachi into his designs: a land where no more corruption or crime harms the people of Dachi, and that he would be the emperor who enforces the law. Despite this, his ideas involve the use of tyranny, to bring a world he believes would bring “fairness” and “order”.  

Early Life

From early life, Kuro Kage was born of the Yuan-Ti lineage, of the family of the Yuan called the Kuro. They came from the steppes of Mufong. Kage grew up learning from the prominent family library, in isolation from the rest of society. From the interiors of the walls of their homes, Kurokage had lofty ideas of what the world was like. He was excited to one day see it. As he studied the world of magic, he soon began learning how to craft spells.   However, when he became of age, he was let in on the family secrets. At the age of 16, he saw his first human sacrifice, performed by his father Kuro Zhou, a priest of Tilesh. Kurokage was appalled by what he saw. Then, his father offered him the blood of the man to drink, to “embrace his lineage as a Pureblood” and enter manhood. Kuro Kage was appalled by the ritual, and refused. His family then disowned him and, knowing Kuro Kage might tell others of the ritual, they imprisoned him within a tower in the city.   Kurokage was shocked by the actions of his family, and grew to despise them. He soon learned from his jailor that he would be the next sacrifice for his family, to “purify the weakness in the bloodline”. Kurokage, fearing death, used his limited knowledge of magic to escape his imprisonment by charming the guard to let him free. Then, Kurokage ran. He ran as far as he could, wandering aimlessly into the steppes without a horse or food.   Starving and alone in the darkness, he began to see into the true darkness of the world. He feared it, especially as a band of raiders came riding across the steppes. He was captured by them, first being seen as a prisoner to ransom. But soon, Kurokage began to position himself within the band. With his plotting, he began to befriend prominent members. Soon, an Imperial warband went out to hunt the raiders. Kurokage quickly staged a rebellion within the camp, leading the raiders to infighting while the Imperial soldiers defeated them. Kurokage joined the battle with his magic.   The soldiers saw Kurokage’s valor, and their general, Tso Dou (himself a prominent Battlemage for the Emperor), saw the fighting spirit within the young Yuan-Ti. Tso Dou, himself coming from former poverty, took in the starving Kurokage and fed him out of compassion. He learned the young man was a Yuan-Ti, but Tso Dou looked beyond this and saw instead a respectable warrior. Tso Dou offered Kurokage a new life: to be a soldier for the Imperial army. With nowhere else to turn to, Kurokage joined them.  

Service with Tso Dou

In his years with the Imperial Army, Kurokage went beyond the training of mere cantrips. He began to learn more complicated spells. He also began to focus on physical conditioning, and learned much on the ways of war within the army. Yet, Kurokage felt a sense of fear and unease from the other soldiers during his time.   Kurokage, however, had a deep respect for Tso Dou. Tso Dou continued to teach him, and the two grew a bond. Kurokage came into the ranks of becoming a Battlemage of the Imperial army. Times would change once again, however, as Kurokage came to the age of thirty. Tso Dou would suddenly die on another assignment against hobgoblin raiders. Without his master, Kurokage lost any family he had left. All he had was the other soldiers, who feared him.  

Service with Ben Dan

Soon, the Emperor appointed a new general over Kurokage and his legion. The general was named Ben Dan. The man was not a good leader, making many errors, but was only assigned because he was of a proper noble family. Kurokage resented Ben Dan. So, when the news of the emperor’s death came, Ben Dan planned to make his own run for the title of Emperor as a warlord. Kurokage accused the man of being a traitor and staged a rebellion against Ben Dan. (In secret, Kurokage saw opportunity for himself.) Kurokage failed in his endeavor and was captured by Ben Dan.   So Kurokage was sent once again to prison, now on the count of treason. Rotting in the jail, Kurokage was sworn to change his own fortune. He grew to hate nobility, and only grew to respect men of proper valor, competence, and lawfulness. He envisioned a world where he could change the injustices he faced. He envisioned a better future!
Kurokage chips away on stone from within the Yongyu Prison dungeons below the capital of Jiangjiang, biding his time for a moment when he might escape. Little did he know of the dynasty-wide rebellion brewing behind the horizon that would give such an opportunity.

Our family have been brave servants of the Chui Serpents for generations, and one son is not going to suddenly get in the way of that.
~ Kuro Zhou ~

Cover image: by Bing AI


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May 4, 2024 05:17

What a handsome and intelligent individual.