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3587 Post Surge


The History of Kuspire so far

Elemental Cities Each elemental plane has at least two associated cities near their Rift crack, where the rebels stayed whilst creating the world and where the first inhabitants were. These cities were heavily fortified and mostly served the purpose of hiding Kuspire from any warring faction that may have wanted to use the planet to their advantage. Interestingly, there is a different city for traveling to the plane and traveling from it, perhaps used as a further defense mechanism; the cities for traveling to the plane are generally associated with the element for that plane, but the cities built around traveling from the plane incorporate all elements, especially the “opposite” to the associated plane (fire and water, earth and air).   Cities Built on Leylines When the Surge swept through Kuspire, any cities that had the bad luck to be built on the leylines were destroyed almost immediately through a variety of magical, not-very-pleasant means. Dozens of these cities are scattered across continents, abandoned and in ruins. Any cities that may have been rebuilt were mostly likely destroyed again via arcanaquakes.

Current Species & Cultures

The Wairwood Collar, near the southeast of Amayath, has had ties to dragonkind since the beasts made a home on Kuspire. No one quite knows where they came from, but Wairwood and its outlying areas were the birthplaces of the first dragons. The Collar is home to many different species of humanoid and much of the culture revolves around dragonkind and their entwined history with the city.   Silverwicke, in the north of Amayath, is a historic city known for its quality craftsmanship, vibrant art scene, and long-fallen academic centers, the first (and most notable) of which was the White Lotus Academy, which boasts of being the first discoverer of leylines. The city rests in the Veitvistra Mountains, where a large population of the town mines for natural resources to be used in various inventions.   Scrawl, a small city a few days south of Silverwicke and right on the edge of the Laughing Owl Timberlands, is a cultural and religious hub for the region. The city is run by the local Historian’s Guild, with the High Historian also serving as the mayor, and the Esteemed Historian’s making up the body of lawmakers. The city and guild collect stories from anyone and everyone who comes in, storing and cataloguing them all for scholarly reference. A significant portion of the population is made up by the longer-lived races, just due to the nature of the work, but they welcome everyone. It is also the only city that has a place of worship for literally every god in existence. If anyone in their thousands of years of stories has mentioned a god, there is a shrine or a temple somewhere in the city.   Breibaste rests in a valley south of the Laughing Owl Timberlands, surrounded by rolling hills and bright flowers. The city is known for its hospitality and cuisine, and is a necessary pitstop for nearly any weary traveller. In recent years, Breibaste has become a place where many older folks come to retire and end up opening a restaurant for two to three days a week, making this city a beacon of culinary diversity.   [also include: matt’s cities on the western coast, thousand acre forest, frozen coast, cities in northwest, dinosaur islands]   [non-amayath: random elves on that other continent, fire/lava island, antimagic island, magic volcano continent, hand of god, floating islands]

Needs & Relations

[do this quinn]