Shark, Kite Species in Kunrai - The Strangling City | World Anvil

Shark, Kite

The kite shark is a well-known and deeply feared predatory species that plies the oceans surrounding Kunrai. The massive creature earns its name from its unique hunting style, which involves propelling its flat body from the water to snatch unwary prey from the cities innumerable docks and bridges.

Additional Information


It is rumored that the infamous Shonraqu Syndicate has domesticated a number of kite sharks for the purpose of eliminating competition and disposing of bodies. While this outlandish claim is widely regarded as ridiculous given the bullheaded viciousness of the kite shark, many reputable sources swear it is true.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

The sensory organs that line a kite shark's flanks glow brightly in the presence of sapphire radiance, and will continue to do so for days after being removed from the creature's body. These so-called radiant beacons are widely sought after by delvers who use them to track down vents, arks, and other sources of radiant power. The kite shark's blood is regarded as one of the most efficient radiant storage solutions. Professionals will pay up to one hundred gold cores for a single quart of kite shark blood, which can be used as the basis for infused potions, alchemical lanterns, or highly-prized radiance charged weapons.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Kite sharks favor the depths of the Strangling Ocean. They venture to the surface only when they are unable to find food, such as during the Plague Tides, or when they have absorbed too much radiance. In the latter case, the shark seeks out other creatures with significant radiance levels in bloody attempts to advance to a higher form.

Average Intelligence

Kite sharks are of limited intelligence. Their actions are motivated by biological imperatives such as feeding or breeding.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

The skull lantern and wake leeches are the most common symbiotes for the kite shark. In the former's case, the shark provides plenty of carrion for them to feast on. In the latter, the shark's ability to unerringly find radiant vents in the sea floor makes them an excellent guide for wholes swarms of creatures who depend on them for sustenance.
300 years
Average Weight
15,000 pounds
Average Length
30 feet
Average Physique
Kite sharks have wide, flat bodies with enormous mouths, a trio of eyes that run down each side of their skull, and a number of radiant sensory organs along their flanks. When in water, they appear to fly as they propel themselves by undulating the "wings" formed by the skin between their heads and fins. Their powerful tails are used mainly for steering, or to propel them to the surface in search of prey.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The kite shark is a uniform gray-blue color, with startlingly bright sapphire eyes. When young, they have so-called "flag markings" on their dorsal fins that sages theorize helps their parents to identify them in large groups. These black-and-white patterns fade over time, until they vanish entirely after the first year of life.


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