Lawspeaker Morton Skalitz Character in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Lawspeaker Morton Skalitz

Lawspeaker of Cryllor (a.k.a. Butcher of Fordune Pass)

Lawspeaker Morton Skalitz is the current reigning Lawspeaker of Cryllor. Known as The Butcher of Fordune Pass, Lawspeaker Skalitz is an accomplished warrior and battle commander. It is said that Skalitz was also a noble warrior of Helm when he eventually abandoned his Oaths to his deity and pursued ends that would lead to personal glory and success.   Lawspeaker Skalitz is also a close friend of several members of the Council of Keoland, the current governing body that has complete control over the Kingdom of Keoland after King Skotti's tragic illness had him declared incapable. Skalitz was one of the prime agents that the Council would call upon when they needed boots on the ground, or when they needed voices silenced quickly.
Lawful Evil
Current Location
Year of Birth
3622 DB 62 Years old
Niole Dra
Current Residence
Lawspeaker's Manor, Cryllor
Grey (early)
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, lightly wrinkled from a difficult life
200 lbs
Aligned Organization


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