Kingdom of Keoland Organization in Korrisia | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Keoland

For several generations, Keoland was a formidable military power. Its superior cavalry and bold knights pushed the kingdom’s borders outward to the north, west, and east. Each successful campaign increased both the crown’s wealth and power, and each one in turn drew the kingdom’s attention even farther north.   In time, Keoland’s victories in the north gave way to a string of defeats in which its neighbors pushed the kingdom back to its original boundaries. With the world closing in, King Kimbertos Skotti looked to the south and saw unchecked banditry and a rising pirate nation in the Hold of the Sea Princes. The crown struck peace treaties with its former foes to the north, raised a navy, and dealt a sharp check to the ambitions of the Sea Princes—but the conflict is by no means over.   King Skotti has decreed that the pirates must be put down, the sea lanes secured, and trade cultivated. If Keoland cannot prosper as a military force, it must grow mightier as a center of trade.



Passed on through direct lineage, otherwise elected via a council of barons

Royal Court

The various advisers of the king

Public Agenda

Safety and security of the Keoish heartlands. Increase trade Curb the bandit empire of the Sea Princes   Defeat and conquer The Kingdom of Drang, ensuring protection for the Kingdom.   Defeat the rebellious Duke Aleister Godfrey, and restore order to Seaton.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Controlled Territories

Articles under Kingdom of Keoland


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