The Lighthouse of Avul Building / Landmark in Kornax | World Anvil

The Lighthouse of Avul

The Lighthouse of Avul is the temple of the goddess Tirelva (Threlved in Celestial) in the city. Located in the Wharf District, the Mariner's Tower rises ninety feet above the shoreline below.

The Lighthouse consists of the Mariner's Tower, which attaches to the ritual space of the Hall of Depths, and a surrounding U-shaped collection of buildings called the Wardroom that serve as quarters and administrative offices for the temple staff.

Purpose / Function

The Lighthouse serves as an actual lighthouse for the harbor, as well as a center of worship for those who seek to venerate Tirelva.


The original structure was a tiny shrine with a saltwater basin into which offerings were poured. In 1104 LE, this shrine, already ancient was relegated to a historical curiousity when the massive Hall of Depths was constructed next to it. Living quarters were constructed to the north of the Hall of Depths at that time.

In 1186-1188 LE, the beginnings of the Wardroom were constructed when a complex of offices was added on the southern side of the Hall of Depths.

In 1291 LE, construction was begun on the Mariner's Tower, which adjoins the Hall of Depths. Construction was completed in 1297 LE.

As the Lighthouse grew in regional importance a need for more administrative space became evident. Beginning in 1341 LE and continuing through 1377 LE, a series of new structures were built to connect the northern and southern buildings, then renovations to the older structures were accomplished, as well, ending with the modern Wardroom.

Today, the Swell's apartment and offices are located high in the Mariner's Tower, but all other administrative offices and residential suites are located in the southern and eastern portions of the Wardroom. The northeastern portion of the Wardroom houses the library and private chapels of the clergy, and the Northern side of the Wardroom is a monastery.

Founding Date
446 LE
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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