Gloi, the Radiant Balm Character in Kornax | World Anvil

Gloi, the Radiant Balm

Other Names

  • Glovia (Dacci and Dolobei humans)
  • Ghluwia (Ghà„ minargs)
  • Ghyaayi (Fuhkiie fortmans)
  • Quilovia (Desi humans)
Gloi is the goddess of healing and medicine. Though she is unassuming, she is one of the most powerful Younger Gods.

Divine Domains

Death, Grave, Life, Nature, Peace

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Gloi manifests as a beautiful, golden-skinned young woman with long dark hair. Everything about her avatar implies health and vitality.

Apparel & Accessories

The Radiant Balm wears flowing robes in shades of white and blue which gleam with subtle, ethereal light.

Mental characteristics


Gloi studied the arts of healing from Asgorn, Verana, X'Rell, and Mortag, each in their turns.

Intellectual Characteristics

The Radiant Balm exudes a deep sense of tranquility and wisdom that calms those in her presence. She is empathetic and kind-hearted, with a nurturing touch that seems to reach beyond the physical. Her voice carries the soothing cadence of a gentle stream, and her presence alone can alleviate suffering.

Morality & Philosophy

  • Injury and disease are a part of life.
  • The wise know when to allow infirmity and disease to run their course and when they should be remedied.
  • The spirit, just as vitally as the body, requires health and healing.

Personality Characteristics


Gloi wishes to relieve suffering. Everything she does, even when forced to allow disease to run its course, is centered around that desire.


Contacts & Relations

Gloi frequently works in conjunction with Proim, as their interests align much of the time.

Divine Classification
Younger Goddess (Greater)
Vibrant green, like the heart of a healing potion
Dark, tumbling in waves about her shoulders, past her bottom, interwoven with petals from medicinal herbs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Golden hued with intricate henna patterns tracing her arms


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