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Mellaran Empire

The Mellaran Empire is the larger, southern part of the once continent Komara. It is ruled by an Empress, a descendant of the first Empress of Mellara. Mellara used to consist of four kingdoms, although the number would occasionally shift along with power. About seven hundred years ago, the Unification War started, and six hundred years ago the Unification was complete. The names of the former kingdoms were erased and the entire continent was renamed Mellara. 650 years ago is also when the continent was split.


Mellara is about 450 square kilometers, and has a mostly northern European typ of climate with winter temperatures in the north reaching -20 (colder in the mountains) and summer temperatures of around 25 degrees celcius. The souther part has milder winters with about -5 degrees in the winter and 30 in the summer. In the north, where Mellara was broken off from Komori, there are plenty of craggy islands separating it from Komori. Fjords go deep into the central mountain range, which covers large parts of the land. The Adhar Mountains are dangerous and difficult to travel through, in part due to the deep fjords, and in part because of the beasts that live there. The lower parts of the Adhar are covered by conifer forests, pines and fir trees. The further from the peaks you get, the more decidious trees intermingle with the conifer, and eventually take over almost entirely. Rolling hills replace mountains, and after that farmlands spread out toward the coast. Due to the difficulty of travelling through the mountains, most trade is conducted via ships, both along the coast and up through the rivers that flow down from the mountains through the landscape. On the south east side, there are drier plains along the coast. The southwest coast is mostly cliffs, and as pirates dwell there most try to avoid sailing too close. There are plenty of lakes in the forests. On the east side of the mountains, the many rivers flow through the deep woods, and as they reach the end of the tree line form a wetland, then a delta as the water runs into the ocean. The north east hardly has any flat land at all, and due to the many hills and wooded areas there's a high risk of ambushes by bandits and others. Most civilization is along the coast and rivers, the notable exception being the capital city of Meadan. It is, however, located between two major rivers. The south has the best farmland, spreading out from the capital like a fan.

Fauna & Flora

The flora and fauna is very varied depending on the region, but there are no tropical areas or savannahs. The most common wild animals are deer, moose, bears, wolves, foxes, hares, horses, oxen, and a variety of birds. There are also of course plenty of livestock like cows, chicken, goats, and sheep. Wolverines and lynxes are rarer and keep to the deep mountains, along with reindeer. The South does have a few warmer areas where rare animals can be found.

Natural Resources

Mellara's main resources are wood, grain, wool, and metals from the dwarven mines.


  • Mellaran Empire Paper Map
    This is a hand drawn map of the Mellaran Empire, made for in game use.
  • Mellaran Empire
    This is the digital map for the Mellaran Empire, used out of the game.

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