
Describe a classic comfort food in your world. — #WorldEmberNoms  
No, but seriously, is there any food more perfectly versatile than the waffle. Need a fancy brunch at a noble house? Waffles. Need to eat a bite on the go? Waffles. Need to distract that annoying guard dog from a distance? Waffles. Need to know if your casual aquaintance got turned into an undead spy by a necromancer? Waffles... although that last one isn't as fool proof as it should be.
— Jasper Cameron, Leader of the Bronze Ravens
  Likely evolving from dwarven anvil-cakes, over the last 2 centuries or so waffles have exploded across the world, with almost every region or culture having their own variation on it. I will only be covering the basics of waffle making here, and then moving on to describing some of my regional favorites.   To make a waffle is simple, and for the ingenuity of the cooking method we surely have the dwarves to thank. There is a reason that it is called a waffle iron. It has come a long way from a single ridged cooking plate for the faster cooking of the heavy nutrient rich anvil-cakes that dwarves still enjoy to this day. Now hinged, with the familiar grid pattern on both the pan and lid sections, Waffle Irons have spread across the world, though no one can quite point to where the advent of the hinge between two plates. I personally think it was gnomes.   I'm getting side-tracked... so you need a waffle iron, waffle batter, and a heat source. Honestly some oil or butter will also help with getting the dough out of the iron, but you probably know that. Heat the iron, melt some butter on it (coating liberally) and then add the batter and put it over/in your heat source. Flip once for even cooking, and enjoy. Alternately, if you happen to be a dwarven forge worker, or any other foreg worker for that matter, you can heat the iron first, just be careful when handling it.  
Now depending on the contents of your waffle batter, the resulting treat will be vastly different.   Elven waffle batter tends to not use yeast, leading to dense waffles that travel well and are packed with "all an elf needs to walk the whole day through." Just, bring some jam or honey with you... and water. The flavor is wonderful, but some added sweetness and moisture improves the waffles greatly.   Dwarves, of course, have many variation of the waffle. I think my favorite, though, is their dinner waffles. Made with the heals and hard ends of bread soaked in a new watery batter with celery, onions, garlic, (and other seasonings depending on the cook) this new batter is mixed together until it has the proper consistency, then it is cooked and served with meat and gravy. While not what many are used to, If you get a chance to try it I highly recommend it, as it truly does open your eyes to the full possabilities of waffles.   Of course, there is also the classic waffle that everyone knows and loves. Fluffy and golden-brown, with a bit of melted butter and a generous dollop of honey. Fresh off the waffle iron, steaming just a little as you bite into it. Grabbing the last bit using it to swipe up the leavings of the reast of breakfast off your plate. makign the plate easier to clean and showing your appreciation for the wonderful gift somene gave you... a breakfast with waffles.
A waffle breakfast
by drunkenpanda951 on Midjourney


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Dec 18, 2022 14:11 by E. Christopher Clark

"We can stay up late, swapping manly stories, and in the morning, I'm making waffles!"   ^^^The above is the quote I think of every school morning when I'm making my daughter waffles. Anyway, I've just eaten but reading your article made me hungry again. Great stuff here!

Track my progress on Summer Camp 2024!
Dec 18, 2022 16:35

That picture made me hungry!

Dec 21, 2022 04:14

MidJourney did a good job on this one, I agree

Updated soon.
Dec 18, 2022 23:38

Nice that you added some different sort of waffles. But as a Belgian I am offended that the basic waffle is not the Belgian kind :p   A true waffle is not fluffy, has large pieces of sugar and does need anything added to it to taste great!

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Dec 21, 2022 04:14

I would never dream of labeling the wonder that is a well-made Belgian Waffle as "basic."

Updated soon.
Dec 21, 2022 09:07

All right I will allow it :p

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Dec 30, 2022 16:37 by Starfarer Theta

I've run across the waffle in my travels more often than anyone would think was possible, and I enjoy them every time. This is one of those multiversal constants that has yet to not be a pleasure. I quite like the variety in preparation that exists in this world. If you want good traveling waffles, go elvish style. If you want a hearty dinner then try one of the many ways dwarves prepare them.   Come to think of it, this is a skill I've neglected to develop during my travels. Knowing how to make my own special brand of waffle may help in opening doors for me that otherwise would be closed. If nothing else knowing how to cook these can make for a nice ice-breaker for small talk. Of course, not every realm has waffles so in those special circumstances I will need to think of something else. Anyway, I should just enjoy what's on my plate and live in the moment for once. - Nemo, World Traveler

Jan 3, 2023 15:27 by Bart Weergang

Now I want to make and eat waffles XD

Jan 14, 2023 01:29

I fully support this endeavor.

Updated soon.
Jan 11, 2023 00:47 by Deleyna Marr

I had waffles for breakfast after reading this. Nom!

Jan 14, 2023 01:29

This is the way.

Updated soon.
Jan 11, 2023 23:04 by Lia Felis

Waffles for everybody! I buy it!

Aspiring fantasy writer and part-time Dungeon Master. Dragon Goddess of Evera.