A Blind Monster? in Kohtalo | World Anvil

A Blind Monster?

by Drunkenpanda951 with Midjourney
  Cant not have eyes, how would it get around? I mean I know everyone says "blind as a bat" but even they got eyes. Sure, there aint much out on the tundra for it ta run into, but still, cant hunt if it don't know where to go.   Course then he goes and tells me "Thats what the spide does for it, called it the bonerattle spider." Apparently its a little guy, sneaks into your clothes and bedroll and give ya a little nip. Then ya starts to get the shivers... and those shivers turn into shakes... and the shakes get to bad your bones start to rattle in your skin, and thats how it finds ye, out alone on the tundra. Yer just sitting there shivering so hard ye cant walk and then there it is, ready to chomp down on you.   Probably just a tall tale though. No small spiders living in places that cold. This ait the Ghostspider Forest.


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