rambitiousPioneer Character in Kofleon | World Anvil
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Don't ask for security, ask for adventure

Maddax Leonard Brightlynn (a.k.a. Milo)

A member of the Eastsummerian Exploration Corps, Maddox fits in well among the reckless explorers. His team reports to the head of the department about every 5 years. This year will be Maddox's 3rd time on Kofleon.
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If this weird ship doesn't let him off on time. Maddox is far from home and incredibly lost. He just wants to go home! Maddox doesn't care about weird signals. New planets are far cooler!

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Very fit for someone constantly on the move and working, Milo still needs glasses. He easily breaks into a run and is very flexible. Milo suffers from tetrachromacy which means he sees a lot more colors than others.

Body Features

IV skin, beige tinted light brown; inverted triangle body shape

Facial Features

Inverted face shape, high prominent forehead, thin low-set eyebrows with a lower inner angle, small nose, very small chin with a cleft

Identifying Characteristics

Insect bite scars on shoulders, arms, and hands; ear birthmark

Physical quirks

Frequently runs instead of walking, walks with a sway; right-handed; rolls coins over knuckles when bored

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

Wears earth-brown boxers to sleep; occasionally a formal yellow tailcoat; Milo's typical outfit includes zip cargo pants and a buttons blouse with a turnover collar and short bell sleeves with pleats; he owns a olive painted wooden necklace

Specialized Equipment

Grappling hook; standard exploration gear such as a hazard outfit, scanner, and sample bags; bronze knuckles; a gadget that shoots fire from gasoline pods or flint powder

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grew up in a typical Eastsummerian childhood. Milo found life incredibly dull. He went through public education. Milo then failed to get into higher education as was expected of any respectable Eastsummerian citizen. Instead of finding a career path, Milo hanged around occupational fairs and met a government scout.
He agreed to become part of the Exploration Corps without any plans for the future.
Milo found that he enjoyed working there, regardless of allegiance. After around fifteen years, he accidentally boards a shipment meant for the Rosebed Develop, separating him from his teammates.
For the time being, Milo's stuck unless the Rosebed Develop prematurely returns to Kofleon...

Gender Identity

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Questioning Polysexual


High school degree


Fourteen and a half years as an Exploration Corps worker

Accomplishments & Achievements

Encountered dozens of alien creatures and recorded them on his board

Failures & Embarrassments

Failing the college graduation exams, several times over; got lost frequently, causing his teammates to delay the survey to rescue him from whatever trouble Milo had got himself into

Intellectual Characteristics

Plants and animals, surviving in the wild


Spiders; trains or railroads

Personality Characteristics


Dreams to reach the edges of space and exploring further; Wants to get off the Rosebed Develop

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Great at running, solving puzzles, creating messes on his own; Wonderful at drawing digitally; Terrible at dealing with high-tech, getting from one place to another, reading all sorts of maps and old clocks

Likes & Dislikes

Loves adventures, taking risks, being around people, isolation, pet hamster Adam; Likes drawing, watching the stars, being in the wild; Dislikes cleanliness, being stuck; Hates making plans, getting lost

Virtues & Personality perks

Cheerful, street-smart, earnest, quick-witted, charismatic

Vices & Personality flaws

Reckless, emotional, stubborn, dishonest, make horrible decisions most of the time

Personality Quirks

Flails when feeling strong emotions, run in place when impatient


Doesn't quite understand the importance of being clean and frequently gets lectured by his roommate, has to be forced into washing himself


Hobbies & Pets

Owns a pet hamster named Adam; spends time off gardening, drawing on his board, and skateboarding


Runs through words and leaves out several when talking excitedly



Friend (Trivial)

Towards Head Captain of the Crew Council (2441-2461)



Head Captain of the Crew Council (2441-2461)

Friend (Trivial)

Towards rambitiousPioneer



Current Location
Year of Birth
2415 T.G.Y. 34 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
A surprise
Circumstances of Death
Killed by a hostile alien creature
Current Residence
Rosebed Develop or the Crew Chambers,
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rooming with a high-ranked officer because only their rooms are large enough for two people to fit comfortably
Black, brown freckled, hooded, round
Short, 4B kinky bleached white
Known Languages
Fluent in Actarchi of middle districts' dialect, incapable of understanding the Roses for the most part and relies on someone to translate
Maddox's unsure of how he gained his nickname except he's sure it's probably a mix-up and a mistyping done by the Administration Office.

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