Gator Krong Myth in Kobos | World Anvil

Gator Krong

"Gator Krong is real. Hasn't been seen for a while, but I know he's real. I was the last to see him. Things looking more like him these days, the saurs. Spikey and mean."   ~Hetman Llor


The ferneth of the Endless Polder, Gator Krong was made from the last gasp of the Titans Krong after he was slain by the Grimhii. This last breath was not as enraged as might have been expected. Rather, it was spite and hunger. That is Gator Krong.

Historical Basis

Sightings of Gator Krong are commonplace tales in Lorical and the various logging and peat harvesting camps around the perimeter of the Endless Polder. A few adventurers have come out with harrowing tales, though these may just be encounters with the unusual reptiles of the region.   Sometime around 980, these tales mostly ceased. At the same time, both the flora and the fauna of the swamp, already dangerous, became even more vicious.

Cultural Reception

Gator Krong is more of a boogeyman to warn the rubes not to wander into lizardfolk territory than something considered real. That being said, every local talks about him as if he was real, and it's nearly impossible to discern the true believers and the storytellers.

In Art

The men of Lorical use Gator Krong's likeness primarily in the form of carvings. Every construction of local carpenters features his likeness in carving or relief somewhere.


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