Canticles of the Demiurge Document in Kobos | World Anvil

Canticles of the Demiurge

"There is not a being in existence that should not give praise to the Demiurge for the life they are living. No slave, no master, no warrior or victim should lack gratitude for the ecstasy of existence. Without Him, even suffering would be the purview of the sucking void." ~Opening lines of the Canticles of the Demiurge.


The Canticles of the Demiurge were written by an anonymous prophet to deliver the words of the Demiurge and His scions, and to record the lives of the saints while drawing lessons from them.

Document Structure


The Canticles of the Demiurge refers to one hundred and forty four indivudal songs, each of which takes roughly four hours to sing from start to finish.


Damaging a physical copy of the Canticles has been known to get people the attention of the Palatine Militatus in a very negative way.

Publication Status

Commonly available, but new copies are not regularly being made anymore.
Text, Religious
Vellum / Skin
Authoring Date
Beginning of the Heroic Age
Signatories (Organizations)


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