Convent of the Dolls Organization in Known World of the Spellster Universe | World Anvil
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Convent of the Dolls


The entire convent was disbanded from the inside by the eldest-living Doll, Tahu, who slew the God-Emperor with a crossbow bolt through the chest.

Divine Origins

When the God-Emperor Sharik had grown bored with the antics of his concubines and mistresses, he turned to children, training them to praise and please his every word and act. But what first started as a few taken from poorer families quickly became a perversion. He scooped up any individual that had unique qualities to form a collection in much the same way a child might collect toys and, thus, the moniker was created.   Because of their young ages and how they eventually grew up, the God-Emperor believed in keeping his collection fresh. When there was another, younger, child with prettier features, the old ones simply vanished. Some claim the older ones were sent to work in the gold mines, others claim he used the lives of the discarded Dolls to lengthen his own.   They can be singled out by their golden scale collars and their neck-to-toe silk garbs, including white gloves.


The main job of each Doll is to ensure the God-Emperor's happiness. For many, this is achieved by merely looking the part and agreeing with his every word. For others, it requires a stint in the Worship Room where they are subjected to the God-Emperor's desires.

We give our whole selves to the Light and bathe in his blessings

1881 AES - 1900 AES

Secret, Religious sect
Alternative Names
Divine Dolls. Dolls
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities


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