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Original language of D'hale world

The language of the Geus Kingdom, back when this was the only human settlement of D'hale. Currently used all over the universe but only for D'hale spells.
        Early in the discovery age, or late in the 1th Ka BD, the practice of telepathy became popular among people in D'hale and became the major mean for communication, making the language obsolete. Even if the written symbols remain, the connection with sound and several of the grammar rules for that time are lost.
Several phrases and words are still learnt by voice magic-wielders, but only the sound and the expected effects. Those who keep written records use their own alphabets, just like the academics who used their own spelling and spread the form "D'hale" (ɖalæ) that is accepted as the right form to write the name of that world.   By studying the correlation between spell results and using some information provided by percipients, the meaning of some words has been recovered by language experts.
  The naming customs remain in Geus and it's derived nations, as well as a few expressions that may or may not keep their original purpose.

Writing System

D'hale alphabet is still in use, and is a combination of ideograms and the relation symbols >, <, v, ^, ¬ |, - and ¡.

Originally, the basic characters were over 5000, and the rules to combine them were strict, in such a way that there is one, and only one possible meaning in each of the ancient texts. Only those with the proper education and access to the reading scrolls were able to read them properly, but commoners would often attempt to write short simple messages with less knowledge, even if the wrong use of rules often brought misunderstandings.

Currently, there are fewer ideograms (2134), not all of them needed in every ambit, and people combine them freely, to the point that you often need to know the writer to understand the message.


Geus' language used only central, front and near front vowels, paired with pulmonic consonants.


There is no knowledge of any differentiation on tenses pronunciation, but the clues provided by the alphabet still in use lead to believe that there was a distinction between:
  • Past events and actions that are over
  • Past events of which results are still active
  • Ongoing events and actions
  • Intention (this could include imperative)
  • Estimated future events

Sentence Structure

This is an extremely confusing topic, since sentences used in spells with known meaning had totally different structures. The omission of verbs in expressions meant to express action is a puzzle present only in long spells, but the capricious order and exchange of articles seems to be a norm and we don't have enough information to determine a pattern.

In written language, the structure variations seem to respond to the tense and topic. For instance, if the subject or a complement includes a human, it always takes precedence. Verbs go first when the sentence refers to natural events.


1 Words.
ɖalæ According to the legend and some percipients, the name of the world means "A huge place to search in".   ɖabæ Spell used in farming. It was probably used to refer to a beautiful and prosper land.     lœhibæ Praise for a stranger that has proved to be a good or helpful person.     hæri Affix added to spells to make them affect the caster.     hækʏ Affix used to amplify the range of a spell     Dɶgɶ Home     LeDɶgɶ Spell used to travel to familiar places where the caster feels safe.     Legɶ Spell used to travel to the place when somebody else is. It doesnt' correspond with the literal meaning.     Lemʏræ Spell used to travel between distant worlds     Leræ Spell used to travel between adjacent worlds  

Naming conventions
Common Female Names
------ N/A ------

Common Male Names
------ N/A ------

Common Unisex Names
  • Limiet
  • Leezeil
  • Dler


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