Nature's temples Building / Landmark in Known Universe | World Anvil
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Nature's temples

Emissaries' temples

They asked so little, that our ancestors had to give them more.
Special houses built for the alien visitors that lienitas believed to be sent by Nature to explain them all those messages that they had been unable to understand. Apparently, the visitors weren't aware of that misunderstanding and, when they noticed, they decided to take advantage of it.   The houses were spacious enough and had every commodity existent in Lien at that time. Soon some magical artifacts where added as the lienitas learnt to accept their link with magic. Originally it was only one, and others were built whenever the emissaries decided to visit the next settlement. Each house had room for all of them, both private and shared areas, as well as an entire floor where they would welcome lienitas who came to them with questions or offerings.   For years, the so called emissaries lived in Lien. They taught, they learnt. After a while, both the emissaries and the lienitas had grown enough to admit that Nature hadn't sent them, at least not in the literal meaning of the word. Neither of them acknowledge it aloud, though, and when the travelers left, it was in friendly terms.   Ever since their departure, these temples are empty but carefully maintained. People may enter in certain dates or under specific circumstances. They can be used to welcome diplomats from other worlds, since favorable relations with others are considered to be a blessing granted by Nature.

Nature's Altars

The best resources of Lien, we offer them to Nature.
Areas where nature can grow freely without any human intervention, similar to conservation areas from worlds like Earth and Ameldieg, or the Closed Paths in Zohmi. The main difference is the religious meaning it carries for the lienitas. Just like the Sacred Territories in Elra and the Forbidden Lands in Kren, these forests are protected by the law, the neighbors, and the myth around them.   These zones have always existed. The first records of rules against trespassing are as old as the first written Liem's words, but Nature's children claim that the Altars were part of the base over which their culture was built, and they are sure that the Altars were respected even before they developed any kind of social structure.   It's true that the oldest traces of human settlements are find only close to these areas. It could be a coincidence, of course, but one has to admit that it's a bit mysterious that the richest lands had been left alone despite being easy to access and surrounded by humans.   Currently, it is the law: whenever a lienita finds an extremely rich mineral deposit, or an unusually productive land, they walk away and make sure that everyone knows, whether it is by reporting it to their community or by doing the signalization with their own hands. Then everyone will know that this area must be offered to nature.  
Temple / Religious complex
Related Tradition (Primary)
We are not renouncing to resources or wasting the land in weeds, like some people say. It's an offer for Nature. A sacrifice, yes. But it grants us more resources, more life. And no, it's not some superstition. Ask any scientist; no matter what they believe or if they are abandoned, they will agree that if you steal too much from nature, never giving back, you will slowly destroy your world. Some cultures plant trees or create artificial nutrients to give back what they stole. We are careful to leave enough to Nature instead.
— A Nature's child explaining the Altars.
They didn't make demands. The style and quality of the building depended on the community customs, location, and how much time they had before the emissaries' arrival.
— Lienita historian.


Author's Notes

I'm afraid that not many religions in the Known Universe have physical spaces, not even as reunion places. Others may have temples, but not altars. The rest may be a better fit for 27th prompt of Mapvember, but the Nature temples are the only ones that appear in the stories (so far) and I wanted to write a bit about them.   The problem? Lienitas don't do sacrifices or offers in the temples. It took me a while to come up with an offering that would make sense for Nature's children, but I think I like it.

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