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Heirloom Trading in the Fourth World


The tradition started after several groups of conquerors of the Eight World took over this one. Instead of a crude fight, that particular conquest was made by invading the local markets. Since they had good offers, the locals accepted and assimilated the culture of the newcomers.   One of the many consequences of that process was that the new generations observed several mixed traditions. The Heirloom Trading ritual is one of those. Being able to end an enemy is no big deal here, but developing a new product or your own selling strategy: that's what makes you an adult.


The specifics vary between countries.   Seafarers throw noisy parties while Jomne royalty include a day of silence and meditation before a solemn rite of just a few minutes.   Some have old traditions to follow, meanwhile citizens of Roua embrace temporary trends and, for the farmers in South Gre, it has changed totally in the last few years. Some even demand from the new adult to define a new or derived ceremony.   In any case, they make a big deal on the entrance of friends and relatives, as well as with the measures to keep away any strangers. The main event shows the most vital rules of trading of the society where the new adult belongs.

Components and tools

Invariable components:
  • The family heirloom
  • The new element, build or bought by the new adult
  Other popular components:
  • Family Codex
  • Ceremonial outfits of the family/region
  • Local currency (or, in rare cases, Global Credits)
  • Wall screens to show footage of the new adult goals and/or childhood accomplishments.
  • Written/embroidered invitations


  • Some authority of the city's commercial society—someone who already knows the new adult.
  • Parents and close relatives
  • Distant relatives are welcomed but not required
  • Friends are welcomed and usually required
  • Business partners (even informal ones)
  • Other neighbors and family allies are welcomed as long as they already know the new adult in person.
  • For some cultures, the presence of rivals is considered good luck or necessary. They are never unwelcome.
The Fourth World of Grista has several different cultures, most of them ruled democratically. They have little in common, and that little includes the big relevance that trading has in their lives.   They may have different economic systems, but all of them respect the effort and cleverness of producers, as much as they value entrepreneurship. In the Fourth World those are the real signs of adulthood, and the majority of countries celebrate it in a ceremony where a young person—the age varies between countries—adds a product sample or business strategy to the family heirloom.   For some, it's merely symbolic, for others, it's the first step to become part of the family business. Either way, it's all managed like a trade, following the regional rules and family traditions, to exchange their own product for the access to those that were collected for generations of family members.


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