Project E.V.0 in Kingsmaker | World Anvil

Project E.V.0

Entry 01: Thoughts.
So much waste! Again in the melt-down chambers, again with so many failed prototypes on my hand ready to be molten own for new prototypes tomorrow. To get the upper hand in this ongoing turmoil with Nordwatch, Etherium is now pushing forward the experiments on pure robotic fighting forces. They know the technology hasn’t advanced far enough to make this a possibility yet. Programming even a simple A.I. That can operate their limbs even remotely is already a huge challenge but battle frames? The processing power needed for such a crazy undertaking surpasses every technology that is present and will be on the horizon within the next years. This is simply impossible, but we are still forced to try doing the impossible: If the A.I. Is lacking we should just create a robot instead that is so dumbed down that even this lacking technology can operate with it. Our engineers are working day and night on solving these issues but as seen in this overflowing oven they are not experiencing any breakthroughs at all. But what do I know? I am just an assistant in this enormous complex which is just burning away prototypes and money as well. And the elder counsel is slowly losing their temper as well. We are losing this war if we cannot create what we got ordered to create: A cold unfeeling army able to withstand the freezing temperatures of Nordwatch. This is hopeless. Useless.
The A.I. Is and will be unable to give us what we need, we need an alternative source of brainpower to power the machines. A source as complex as our very brains but way more durable. What if? No, this thought is way too immoral to even think about.
  Entry 02: Theory.
My thoughts don’t want to leave me anymore; I am now constantly thinking about the unthinkable. What if we are looking at this from the completely false direction? We need forces to have the upper hand and that even under the harshest conditions present. Robotic entities, who can’t feel fatigued, hunger, do not need sleep and are as durable as possible. Why are we not looking into nature instead? Bionic!
The symbiotic relationship between a caster and their magic spirit gave me a crazy idea. Why can’t we use the magical background behind this process to merge our mortal spirits with the immortal body of a robot? I need to test out this theory as quickly as possible! But I need support for this. One who can help me dissect that process. Wasn’t one former colleague of my former university interested in such things?
I should try to reignite this connection for hopefully helpful bits of advice and get this theory up and running. We have not much time, lives are depending on this potential outcome. Maybe, just maybe I will get even promoted into a position that is finally valid of my intellect.
  Entry 09: Realisation.
The last weeks were very productive ones. My colleague and I were able to deduce the way our bodies are keeping the soul of the „invader“ close and functional. We developed a bar-sized injector that can simulate the transition of a soul in a new body and is coated in an insulating substance that keeps the soul inside the connected tube. With this, we can potentially send our soul over into a specially tailored robot to serve as a replacement for the complicated parts of the A.I. Isn’t able to process. I started in the last days as well to keep a few parts of the to be molten down prototypes for myself by smuggling them into my tiny laboratory. This robot might not be as optimized as those of my higher-ups, but it will be specially tailored to be able to be handled easily by the test-subjects soul. The last thing I need is that the subject will not be able to comprehend the new body resulting in an immediate failure. And the first test run of this project must be a success.
I am always ready to give my life up for progress but here I literally will give up my life and that without any failsafe. Yes, I, Anima, will be the test subject. My financial situation is only able to support this one try. Better make it count.
  Entry 11: The day has come.
My new body is finally completed and ready to be piloted. Fine, it looks like an amalgam out of many different robots and has not the sleek state of the art design other robots have, some would even say it is crude and ugly. But it is my baby, my future body. The bionic tube is injected and wired up to the robot mirroring our nervous system. I will be hopefully able to understand my new body in an adequate time and then present myself towards my higher-ups as the first, how do I even want to call my creation? Yes! The birth of a new species transcending the mortal bounds; An eternal! Now I just have to place myself in the restraining chair and let the giant needle suck out my very soul capturing it in this body I called the eternal version 0, E.V.0. for short. I will definitely become famous for this!
I will see you definitely in Entry 12 Annimara, don’t let me down!
  Entry 12: E.V.0.
It is a strange feeling to feel nothing of these things anymore that was bothering me in my past life. I don’t feel tired, I don’t feel hungry, but I do feel awesome! Success! I am writing this message through E.V.0.s robotic fingers. It was surprisingly easy to get used to this new body as I wired it exactly like my old fleshy body. This is great! I will now introduce myself to my higher-ups and present them the solution to our struggles. E.V.0. out.
  Entry 13: Degrading substances.
No! No, no! This can’t be true! My tests were all proving that this shouldn’t be happening. But let me rewind the clock a bit. The surprise was perfect. I had all my higher-ups standing speechless in front of me. They all started applauding my genius. All but one. This man, who had a similar theory before, asked me panicked what kind of coating I used for the soul-tube as the substance he developed degraded rapidly after getting in contact with a mortal soul. I started panicking as well as our chemical schematics proved themselves to be of a terribly similar structure. Short things short. I am dying. In the next months, maybe years the coating will crack allowing my soul to advance into the afterlife leaving an empty frame behind. I messed up. I MESSED UP!
  Entry 20: Divine help.
My discovery and failure are now widely known in the whole of Etherium. I made my research papers available for the public in a last desperate act of hope that anybody has an idea to stabilize the coating permanently. But nobody could help me, not one soul. Then one day my private phone suddenly rang connecting me with someone I was not expecting at all. Our gods are not known to have much interest in the fate of a single person, their vision is much more general. At least I thought that until I spoke with non-other that Demiurg, the god of creation himself. Well, the result of that divine intervention via phone was that he wanted to meet up with me as he was extremely interested in my papers as they were closer to his initial divine vision of us than anything he saw before that. And that he might have a solution for my degrading problem corroding in my mechanical heart. Could my heart still clutch in fearful anticipation, it would have done exactly that in this very moment. My hope is dwindling but the honour of meeting one of our gods face to face is worth all this anguish. Definitely.
  Entry 21: Demiurg
I can’t even start to try to describe this heaven-like man, who was standing in front of me. There are no words that could be satisfactory in describing Demiurg, my god and master. Magic! No, incredibly special magic is needed to actually incase a soul inside my tube. His magic.
The life-giving divine variant of Golemancy can keep a soul shut in an unliving body. He fixed me! But furthermore! He proposed to me that we should start working together to try to get this process perfect and lasting. And even go beyond that. Trying to create advanced frames that are far more complicated than our bodies but will be still useable for us. I felt that there was more behind this. This god seems to be strangely lonely. We talked for days I think, and I slowly understood his ulterior motives. He wanted friends who are around for a long period.
An immortal needs immortal friends to even consider banding to them. Their feeling of time is much different than our…the mortals feeling of it. Seeing no malicious intent behind it I happily agreed to help him.
Demiurg and I, E.V.0., no Anima: Business partners!
Author: Anima/E.V.0
  Time: 25 AM, Winter
This piece of evidence about our true origin is a code red.

Suggesting giving it into user Terminus' keepsake that it will be kept shut for all eternity in the knowledge pool.
Nobody, but us four, will be ever allowed to lay their eyes onto anything E.V.0 ever wrote.
Justitia out.

Cover image: Cover Art by Soulwing


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