Livewire Profession in Kingsmaker | World Anvil


"So you are working as a Livewire battery, eh?
Not very impressive, bub.
So you are an Electromancer being the obedient dog battery for those living above us.
Have you no pride?"

"Says the one bearing not a glimmer of pride.
I gladly sacrifice a third of my life to pay my respect to the Counsel.
I pride myself on being integral to our city; what wonders got created with my powers supporting them.
I bring light into the dark.
Heck, I could even be the one powering your toaster.
Besides, my wage is providing me and my family a good life without any issues."



Qualifications for getting hired as Livewire are simple.
First, you have to be an Electromancer of course, or you couldn't even power the battery.
And secondly, you have to prove your physical stability in a workday under constant surveillance with a medical team ready to take care of any issues.
If your body is able to handle the work and isn't rejecting the supportive gadgets you will get immediately hired.   Qualifications beyond these two factors are not necessary, it is not even needed to have any graduation.

Career Progression

Livewires can get promoted by the power plant based on their, well capacity. Based on how many coulombs they are able to channel into their battery module, they get moved gradually to bigger and even bigger modules until the Lifewire and the module are completely in-tune. Each promotion comes with a wage rise and better risk-insurances.

Payment & Reimbursement

  • Low production: 1480 credits per day
  • Normal production: 2160 credits per day
  • High production: 3440 credits per day
  • Central battery: 5640 credits per day

Working on weekends multiplies the hourly payment by 2 making it very profitable to then and when skip one's weekend.  
"So all I have to do is to stand in there and let my power circulate?
And these...hoses?
For what are they?
Ohh, so I wont even know I was giving my all for Etherium?
Will be like getting in and immediately stepping out again, huh.
So I trade in lifetime against money...what!?
How much!?
Take my volts!
Take them all!"

Electromancer (high potential)
Alternative Names
Raw Materials Gathering
This profession is essential to privide integrity to Etherium's larger cities.
Related Locations


Powering everything and anything. Livewires are the heart and soul of the futuristic cities of Etherium as well as their airships.
One large powerplant built under a small city can sustain the whole town.
Larger cities, like Scamall, need up to five powerplants to evade a fatal blackout.

Powerplants are built to provide jobs for thirty low-, twelve mid-, six high-production and three central battery Livewires.

Social Status

Livewires are rarely seen as what they really are.
People simply get envious regarding their far above average wage not considering them literally putting themselves into a temporary coma with the ever so slightly risk to not wake up after work.
Working as Livewire is a leap of faith waging everything for a high reward.

And Etherium is constantly improving the live support apparatus to mitigate the permanent coma to a far below 0.00001% risk up to a quite real 0.0001% risk for central battery workers.  
"I enjoy every day as if it would be my last.
I provide my children with a lovely life and even got to see the world with my husband and wife.
I live a happy life and will die sooner or later as a happy woman."

Central battery Livewire

Cover image: by Vertixico


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