Arcadian Carbunclo Species in Kingsmaker | World Anvil

Arcadian Carbunclo

"How I met my lovely companion? To be honest I wasn't expecting anything on that fateful day, but it still happened.", the reddish Lizard readjusted his tail and leant his elbows into the counter sighing soundly, "You know mont Atma's smooth steep walls? I was last year trying to climb the southern part of the mountain in search of relics of Squa'osa's fallen tribes.
Anyway, I climbed the wall by growing sturdy plants out of the creeks until I came across a peculiar oddity. A large sapphire growing out of the wall, ready to be taken as a souvenir. Greedy as I was I climbed over to that horn-like gem, that was oddly polished and grabbed it without thinking. Two things happened."

A heartily chuckling ripped through the tense atmosphere and the partner of the Lizard reappeared in the room. The saurian pulled out a thick glove before allowing the newcomer to sit down beside him grabbing immediately his gloved hand:
"Ge'ela happened. I felt two things at the same time. Firstly the freezing temperature the gem emitted when I touched it and secondly the entire wall shifting revealing the indignant, yet sleepy face from her. The temperature combined with the surprise caused me to snap back losing my grip and falling down the cliff. I would have been done for if not for this Carbunclo here leaping out of the wall grabbing me tightly stopping my fall. I screamed up when my scales came in contact with quite a few of the many gems scattered over her stony skin, but I endured it. Ge'ela quickly readjusted her grip and burrowed my body partly into the steep wall swimming with me in her arms through the red rock upwards to the top."

The lizard lifted his garb revealing multiple blue marks ornating his chest. Geela pointed with her gemmed finger at one of the spots:
"First of many visible memories Cresci and I have made in our journeys. Was at that time still freshly formed and had no control over the temperature of my sensory extensions. Frostburn. Tragic. But better than dying, eh?"

Cresci laughed up pure joy resonating within his deep voice:
"Much better; I mean, after all, I wouldn't have met you, love, if not for them."

Basic Information


Gem Carbunclo:
"The anatomy of a carbunclo is in its silhouette very similar to that of a human. Average size and the proportions of extremities are nearly identical as well as you can see.
But that is where similarities are ending.
Let me cut straight to the point: The body of the Arcadian carbunclo consists in its entirely out of earthly minerals, rocks and clay.
To understand how in the name of the divines a contraption of inanimate objects can exist freely, move, talk and be a part of our community, let me tell you about how a Carbunclo gets created.
As with all arcadian species, things begin within the Veil..."

The vital system:
All over the body of a carbunclo, one can spot gems sticking out of their body. The kind of gem vastly determines the quirks of the Carbunclo.
The body temperature changes with the base; from -80°C with Sapphires all the way to 110°C with Rubies with the gems being the hottest/coldest parts of their body.
These 'shiny accessories' however serve a crucial purpose for all body functionalities.
They are the nervous system as well as the sensory central of their bodies; acting like antennas to provide the Carbunclo with all information necessary. Usually, Carbunclos get them cut and polished to sharpen their senses and beauty, but some prefer the unrefined look.
"When the condensed earthly essences of the Veil found a fitting core in the ground around their production site, which is usually a hugely sized valuable gem like Opals, Amethysts or Smaragds, that gem gets rendered sentient and starts burrowing itself through the ground.
It searches for more gems of the same kind, which will eventually form the very base of a carbunclo; the skeleton as you might say.
The gems of this beautiful species are sturdy yet sensitive acting as their eyes and ears.
Dont touch them unless you are allowed to do so!"

Skin and Muscles:
Has the fresh-born carbunclo finally decided, that she has gathered enough crystals to support a full-grown body, the metamorphosis is ready to start.
Based on the information provided by the very fabric of the Veil the carbunclo gathers the sediments around them to form a functional body around the gems placing them in key positions.
The key positions are Fingers, knuckles, toes, ankles, knees, elbows and shoulders. Body and face need gems as well, but the position is far less restrictive for these and up for preferences. To assure mobility clay and soft ores get mixed into the corpus, which then determines the colour of the body and furthers the 'lifeforce'.
Represantives of the same region have a similar composition.
"How they are able to move when they are composed entirely of the rock they are born in? There is no definitive answer as the ways and abilities of the Veil are still far too difficult for us to fully comprehend.
But somehow the Veil knows how a humanoid works and creates an agile body with the help of materials of different density and elasticity. We know nothing honestly. We only know about this process, because of a ground radar noticing a human-shaped hollow room many kilometres below the surface.
That and the clouded memories of Carbunclos we've interviewed to talk about their growth into maturity.
Thats right!
Their mind and body is fully developed with the knowledge of the Veil when they first emerge to the surface.
Linking themselves to one of us allows them only to undergo a mental update adjusting their mind and soul to the current time."

The final part of the metamorphosis into a mature Carbunclo is the awakening of their lifestream. Until undergoing a mental link with a non-arcadian their skull is shut and they are bald. However, with the final seal broken, the head cracks open behind the gem-crown and streams of wild essence erupt forming the characteristic flaming hair. Hair, whose colour gets influenced by the secondary ores within the composition of the main body.
Zabrit for an example causes greenish-yellow hair.
"Far from it, dear students.
What you can see on the head of these Arcadians is no flames, hence Carbunclos are beings of the earth arcane.
I even once cashed in a smacking, because I dared to compare her hair to a beautiful flaming inferno.
The lifestream hair of these magnificent women might emit heat or chill the area, but it is completely unable to set things ablaze.
Further, they are able to comb it with special imbued gear, but that is quite rare hence the rarity of capable enchanters.
. . .
Either way.
I hope I was able to answer all your questions.
Class dismissed!"
Mauze Tung

Coal Carbunclo:
Little beings of a total size of under ten centimetres. They look like lumps of coal welded together loosely resembling a humanoid figurine.
Based on the knowledge that they turn to dust if they are having no access to food and the inability to dissect their body structure that way, it is believed, that Coals are short-lived traces of a failed attempt to create a gem. Miners take the appearance of these sapient critters as proof, that the mine is now devoid of all its riches.
Coal Carbunclos by Soulwing98
"Have you noticed the recent abundance of Coals in the mines?
Clear proof, that this pit is now spent.
Come, buddy, let us move on to the next.
I don't wanna be responsible for even more of these unlucky fellas."

Civilization and Culture

Common Dress Code

"I am well aware of the fact, that common courtesy forbids me to get rid of all these clothes, but please understand the following, Jovos.
These gems are not for decoration, they are what for you lizards your eyes and ears are.
Heck, I even smell and feel with these, or why else do you think I dip my finger into every drink?
I will comply, will maim here on Scamall my senses, but you can bet your scaly arse, that I will get rid of all these unnecessaries on our missions.
After all, do you really want to work with a sensually crippled sharpshooter?
Thought so!
Kallist, leveid Shadow
Levied Shadow Kallist by Soulwing98
Manifestation of wild arcane earth magic.
Gem: Dependant of mental state

Coal: 1 week - 3 years
Average Height
Gem: 1.4 - 1.9 meter

Coal: 0.04 - 0.08 m
Average Weight
Gem: 60 - 110 kg

Coal: 0.05 - 0,1 kg

Dietary Needs & Habits

Gem Carbunclo:
Gems are omnivores and can devour anything from normal edibles to literal rocks. There are however a few ingredients, that they shouldn't consume.
Vinegar as well as citric acid, to only name a few aggressive ingredients, can cause tummy aches and, in bigger doses, internal damage to the stony body of theirs.

Coal Carbunclo:
Coals don't consume edibles, they rather feast on fire and heat to keep their body running.

Perception & Sensory capabilities

Gem Carbunclo:
The perception of gems is entirely based on the gems sticking out of their body. Together they form the sensory system of the carbunclo allowing them to feel, hear, smell and see sharp if the gems are well-cut and not covered up by fabric or likewise. The gems are acting as receiver collecting information via air movement, sonar waves and heat signatures. This information combined with the arguably pretty basic eyes of them, able to only see colour and hues, but no shapes, allow Carbunclos to see the world sharp and clear regardless of daytime. Odours they can however only see as coloured clouds and have to taste manually by sticking a gem of theirs into the cloud.
"You were living in a swamp?
Well, remind me to get myself some rubber boots when we visit your home.
Even the stale smell of these atrocities is better than getting my gems in contact with 'that' water!"

Coal Carbunclo:
The senses of Coals are entirely based on the amount of heat they have in their tiny bodies. Set up to keep the host alive for as long as possible non-essential senses and abilities will get shut down to preserve heat in the vital organs. Cold they appear quite feral and narrow-minded, risking everything for a spark of heat or a steady flame. If they are sated they appear sapient and smart and are up to help whoever had provided them with their firestarters.

Arcadian traits

Being representatives of the arcana of earth, Carbunclos possess intrinsic access to the ability to burrow, phase, through unrefined matter. Unique to the Arcadian variant of this magic is perfect control over gravity while swimming in solid matter.
They can burrow upwards as well as downwards without risking falling uncontrollably. The underground is their element and playground.
Some Carbunclos, who have dedicated their focus well past escaping the ground to the art of burrowing are able to boost the growth of plants by manipulating the roots as well as causing small quakes by hitting the arcane solidified in the exact right spots.

In conclusion, the Arcadian Carbunclo combines all known Powers of Earth into one.

Beauty Ideals

Carbunclos take good care of their health, to keep their lifestream hair shiny and potent; their biggest pride. That is, however, closely followed by the cut quality of the gems of their bodies. A perfect cut not only looks beautiful but elevates all their senses from decent to exceptional.


Carbunclos absorb perfect knowledge over a first language after undergoing a link with a non-arcadian learning their main tongue. Further languages have to be acquired by actually learning them.

Genetics & Reproduction

As it is usual with all Arcadians Reproduction is completely impossible under normal conditions.
Only in the far lands of the Squa'osa Archipelago as well as the frigid south of Sepernius are the streams of the veil that twisted to cancel out the rules of nature.
In these places Reproduction is possible with every known species resulting in the birth of Carbunclos, whose appearance is entirely based on the father. So are for Example Desert-Elves associated with Rubies and Lamias with Emeralds.
For reasons unknown every species on Prius is associated with a special gem, that will grow with arcane means inside the mother for four months before getting released in fitting soil to gather more gems kickstarting the metamorphosis.
To not lose their child, the mother monitors the metamorphosis closely until binding days before completing a cord to her child to guide them to their parents on the surface after awakening from their stasis.

Cover image: by Vertixico


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Mar 27, 2021 00:37 by Morgan Biscup

Getting their gems cut must be quite painful if they are that sensitive.

Lead Author of Vazdimet.
Necromancy is a Wholesome Science.
Mar 27, 2021 01:06 by Soulwing

They get more sensitive through that procedure to be fair. The final cut is painful, but the polishing afterwards quite soothing.

Creator, artist and writer of the science fantasy world Kingsmaker.