Kingdom of america 1810
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Chancellor Elbridge Gerry begins his second term with the end of the American slave trade. Enough slaveholders in the South have fled to slow the cotton trade, as well as many essential crops. The loss of the goods has caused an economic recession throughout the country. Unsold slaves being held by traders face an uncertainty. Most are pressed into forced labor contracts, signing abusive contracts while being greatly illiterate. 
  Attacks on freed slaves rise. As they are not citizens, they are not protected by American law, and most attacks go unresolved. Even those who entered into forced labor are met with hostilities similar to that under slavery. Under pressure, the Federal Government forces relocation of freed slaves to the area far west of the Missouri River, to the edge of the Louisiana Territory. Efforts are made to move as many as possible, and the move often remains compulsory.
  The economic recession has caused issues with that of the Huron Territory. Resources have diminished in availability to the Native allies who have grown in reliance on them. A native leader named Tecumseh has become a voice of increasing self reliance of the Huron Territory. Other leaders such as Little Turtle and Blue Jacket, who once fought the Americans, have grown to argue for assimilation.
  King Augustus I is pressured to abdicate for health reasons, but refuses to do so. He argues that the kingdom at this time requires a consistent leadership. Augustus the Younger does take a more active role in the day-to-day governing, including meeting with members of congress to address the national concerns.
  In Europe, Napoleon weds the daughter of Austrian Emperor Francis I. Austria agrees to the union in an attempt to keep the alliance between France and Russia from strengthening. Napoleon's Continental System begins to break apart, with Russia and Sweden beginning to break away from it.

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