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War of the North

The War of the North was an unofficial conflict fought between the Kingdom of America and the British Colonial Forces of Canada. The conflict ended in an American military victory, but with wide ranging political ramifications.

The Conflict


Chancellor of America William H. Crawford wished to declare war on Britain and their Native allies led by Tecumseh. Tecumseh had been harrassing American settlements in the Huron Territory. Tecumseh had been supplied by the British as a result of American expansionism.   Native allies of the American government argued assimilation rather that conflict. These tribes benefited from American trade and supplies, including medical technology.   Crawford began the conflict with the claim of protecting the American frontier. However, within his inner circle planned on annexing all of Canada.


The American forces initially deployed only militia forces as King Augustus II refused to commit federal units. These forces were initially decimated by the British regulars in humiliating defeats to the Americans.


The War initially began on the frontier of the Huron Territory. After major American militia losses, the Canadian military had gained control of the state of New York, causing mass evacuation south. After the commitment of federal troops, the Americans managed to lay siege to Montreal and gained control over Quebec. This was due to their ability to call upon a larger population than the Canadians were able to.

The Engagement

British regulars held the battlefield advantage for the early stages of the war. In 1817, however, King Augustus wrenched control of the government using emergency powers granted to him by Congress. The commitment of American regulars and the purging of Crawford loyalists from the military swung the tide of the war in America's favor due to numerical advantage. After the fall of Quebec and the lasting siege of Montreal, the Canadian Colonial Government surrendered.


British and American diplomatic relations became severely damaged. In recompense, Augustus returned all captured Canadian territory back to British control. Crawford's actions led to his expulsion of his post and placed on trial.


The Huron Territory became an incorporated region of the United States, eventually leading to statehood. The Canadian Colonial Government removed the commanders responsible for the beginning of the war, and signed a peace treaty formalizing the American-Canadian border to the Rocky Mountains.

Historical Significance


Augustus proclaimed the Continental Ordinance in response to the conflict in 1818, setting precedence of American enforcing the disinvolvement of Europe in American affairs and vice versa. This established long lasting foreign affairs, particularly in regards to European actions. The power of the King began to grow to mixed opinion among politicians and the population. The monarch's role as Commander-in-Chief of the federal armed forces became unquestioned.   The conflict became among the reasons for the declaration of the Kingdom of Canada in 1867.
Conflict Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
American Victory






Initially to expel Canadian forces from the Huron Territory, and to possibly annex Canada into the United States.
To stop American expansion and place the Huron Territory under British control or as an independent puppet state.


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Dec 8, 2022 23:21

Well that answers my question I asked on Facebook.