Molvan the Breaker Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Molvan the Breaker

Demon Prince Molvan (a.k.a. the Breaker)

"I have led hordes of mindless rabble to conquer entire worlds. I have commanded legions whose cadenced march shook the sky itself. I have burned villages, sacked cities, destroyed empires. I drink my wine from the skull of a warrior whose boots your greatest champions aren't fit to lick. Your wizards have given up the search for my true name, not because they don't think they can find it, but because they know what happened to their predecessors when they succeeded. Do you know how I got this name, child? I am Molvan the Breaker! The gates of Heaven have been broken once, once in all of history, and I bloody well did the breaking! Of course I don't 'remember killing your father.'"  
Molvan the Breaker to twelve year old Magdelena Tanner
"That's all right. I remember."  
Saint Maggie the Brave, spoken as she gouged out Molvan's eyes

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sundered Gate

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Molvan is every bit the hulking brute he was bred to be. He is as large as an oak, stronger than physics allows, fast enough to run down a horse, and his hide is tougher than steel. Molvan is covered in scars, but the worst wounds by far are the two gaping holes where he used to have eyes.

Body Features

Molvan's is perhaps unique among his kind as nearly his entire body is exposed deep red skin, only occasionally punctuated by plates of the black jagged stone his kin are covered in. His form is similar to a gorilla, though he has extended his legs to appear more humanoid.

Facial Features

Molvan has put a great deal of work into his face, trying to outgrow his brutish origins. He now looks like an idealized statue of an ancient hero, it's likely he is actually using the face of one.Though he grows a thick mat of facial hair, he keeps it clean shaven at all times. Even his horns have been chiseled and filed from enormous weapons into small accents for framing his face just so.

Identifying Characteristics

An arcane circle of binding is branded into his forehead after a run-in with the Wizards of Wahlann. It prevents him from getting within one hundred and one miles of their tower.

Physical quirks

Walks swiftly, possibly to hide the slight strangeness in his gait from his modified form

Special abilities

Molvan cannot cast magic himself, but his demonic nature makes him resistant to most hostile forms of it, and he has improved these resistances greatly over the ages. He appears to have developed some latent talent for psionics as well, though as of yet he can only use it to find sapient minds in his vicinity and get a general sense of their mental fortitude.

Apparel & Accessories

Molvan wears the latest fashions made from the finest materials when he is within his palace or on casual business, but suits up in full infernal plate mail stolen from Bel eons ago when he goes to war.

Specialized Equipment

Pit Fiend Plate Mail   Pit Fiend Tower Shield   Obliteration

Mental characteristics


Molvan learned through necessity, by doing, and by devouring the souls of those more knowledgeable than he.


Beginning as a faceless soldier, Molvan quickly rose to become a warlord, then a general, and most recently has acended to the throne of Demon Prince, commanding an entire layer of the Abyss.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Defeated and subsumed his entire generation of demons through guile and ferocity   Fought a war against one of the original Demon Princes and was successful enough to survive until he had enough power to move on   Served as a general in dozens of Demon Princes' armies, never lost a battle, and survived every change of employment   Led a lightning campaign against Zolmokech the Weeper and conquered his plane of the Abyss   First demon in history to rise from nameless beast to Demon Prince   Leapt enthusiastically into the Blood War and maintains a high ratio of victories to defeats   Led a campaign against the Angelic Choirs, laid siege to Heaven, broke the gates before he was banished   Inspired one of the largest Demonic Cults in existence, one of only three to successfully summon their patron to the Prime Material Plane

Failures & Embarrassments

Every defeat weighs heavily on Molvan, and though his record is impressive, by now there have been thousands   Once lured into one of Belial's traps by Fierna and lost the largest host he had ever assembled   Lost his eyes to a mortal child and was sent back to the Abyss by her beautified spirit after he killed her in his rage

Mental Trauma

Obsessed with evening the scales and getting revenge on everyone who has wronged him, extremely narcissistic

Intellectual Characteristics

Brilliant by every conceivable metric due to his habit of devouring the soul of anyone more intelligent

Personality Characteristics


He will conquer the universe and see it burn.

Vices & Personality flaws

Can still lose his reason in great rage

Personality Quirks

Snorts when laughing hard, which he is extremely self conscious of.


Perfect. He has an entire platoon of imps to ensure that he always stays that way.


Family Ties

The Thirteen Terrors

Religious Views

Head of the Molvanic Cult

Social Aptitude

Very charismatic until he gets angry, supremely confident in all circumstances, ego too large for all the planes, extremely mannerly until roused


Habitually combs his hair

Hobbies & Pets

Maintains a harem of as many different species as he can find


Has taken to speaking like an Albion nobleman since his time there.

Wealth & Financial state

Has no personal use for wealth, but he always ensures he has enough of it to tempt any he'd like to bring over to his cause.
Divine Classification
Demon Prince
Chaotic Evil
Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Demon Prince of War
Year of Birth
1300 98700 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
The runt of his litter in a clutch of roughly six thousand
The Abyss
Current Residence
The Midnight Citadel
Black pits which seem to hungrily devour light
Short, immaculately styled, white
8.5 meters
550 kilograms
Quotes & Catchphrases
"I've been searching for an opponent worthy of my strength and skill for eons. I wonder what flavor of disappointment you'll be."
  • spoken to Bel during the battle where Molvan won his armor
  • "I believe you mortals are calling it a 'sales pitch' these days. Charming concept. Well, here's mine: join me and gain power beyond your wildest dreams, power enough to simply take everything you've ever wanted. Or refuse, and I'll eat you and everyone you love."
  • Molvan's standard offer when someone has truly impressed him
  • Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Very few languages are unknown to him


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