Wizards of Wahlann Organization in Khthon | World Anvil
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Wizards of Wahlann

"There's an old saw about them, as I expect there is for everything that's been around for so long. Theirs goes like this: 'It is a great relief when a Wizard of Wahlann arrives under any circumstances save one: that you are the reason for their coming.' It's a good phrase, very evocative, but I'm here to tell you that it could not be more wrong. I was the reason that Victoria the Green came to Trovière, and knowing she was there was the greatest relief of my life. They don't concern themselves with your run-of-the-mill dark sorcery, you see; if they're in town it means the situation has progressed beyond the capability of anyone else to control. She saved me as much as she did that city. It's been thirty years since she took my magic away, but I swear I'm still thankful every day."
— Cabalus the Summoner, on his attempt to manifest an Elder God


"Ha! Oh, you're serious aren't you? I'm sorry, sometimes I forget how little you know of us. I am most certainly not going to be made Zok Kendov for this. I'd tell you how far I have to go, but honestly I tend not to keep track higher than thirty positions above my current station."
— Victoria the Green speaking to one of her lovers about saving the city of Trovière
Outsiders have but a glimpse into the inner workings of the reclusive order through occasional conversations with the wizards on business outside the tower or their infrequent personal travels. Cilnethi Glearthumnal Leanvina is clearly referred to as the absolute authority among the wizards inside the tower and out, and it is known that their herald is referred to as Jun. Being named Jun is the highest honor the wizards can receive and the position is always for life, but the actual authority conferred is minimal: the Jun interprets the will of their master when it is in question and serves as an adviser to the triumvirate which really handles the day to day operations of the organization.
The basics of these three positions is also known. The Kinbok is the director of all magical research that goes on the tower, every project they undertake is under their direct supervision. The Aak is the head of all the wizards whose duties are beyond the walls of the tower, and any wizard wishing to leave the tower for other reasons also goes through them. Finally, there is the Bormah who leads the non-gifted support staff, arbitrates disputes not relating to the spheres of the other two triumvirs, and otherwise handles civil issues.
Less is known about the larger body of wizards and nothing is known about the tower's support staff other than that it exists. What has been gleaned over the years demonstrates a highly stratified hierarchy. In fact, it has been stated that since the fall of the Kingdom of the Sun Elves there have always been fewer wizards than there are ranks! The large majority of the wizards encountered by the world are known as Gein Wo Yah, wizards occupying middling positions in the hierarchy who are sent out into the world to scout and perform surface-level investigations into magical disturbances. Once they have an initial impression they will send a report back to the tower which influences who is sent next. Two other roles are known, and each is a response to a different level of magical anomaly. Several steps above the Gein Wo Yah are the Gein Wo Koraav, they perform much more thorough investigations, and are empowered to take action if they deem it necessary.
Despite being one of the least numerous, the final known title is the one most people picture when they think about the Wizards of Wahlann: the Zok Kendov. Without exception, a wizard wearing the Electrum Amulet is among the most powerful mortals in the world. One of these wizards is only dispatched if an enormous magical anomaly is detected, or if an investigation discovers something of truly world-shaking significance.

Public Agenda

Like all powerful tools, magic can cause great harm if improperly used; we serve as the strong guiding hand of this world. It is a dangerous, thankless, and often tedious task. But it is one that you all sorely need.
— Felicity the Gold, on single-handedly ending the Sorcerous Wars
It's anyone's guess what sort of research goes on inside the high walls of Wahlannde Suleyk or towards what goal it may be bent, but the world's oldest organization has always been forthright about their other mission. They simply don't trust the rest of the world to have magic of a certain power, and take whatever steps they need to in order to ensure it is contained whenever it arises. Given that most of the time it comes up, "containment" includes saving entire nations from eldritch horrors, very few see fit to complain. It should also be noted that they are not always as heavy handed as some magic users claim. They often leave the offending party alive after undoing their spells and sealing their magic. Minor offenders may even be granted the opportunity to earn their power back, so long as they swear loyalty and service to the tower.


The walls of the Worldspike have proven nearly as impregnable for logistical information getting out as they are for intruders going in, but at least four archmages serve the tower: their assets should be considered functionally limitless. Reconsider.
— Don Francisco de Silva
The above was intended as the closing of a report on the feasibility of the Kingdom of Mérida waging war on the Lords of the Worldspike. Francisco is said to have personally written the letter, had it sealed in his presence by his most loyal court wizard, entrusted it to his own brother, and taken directly to the king on the back of the fastest horse in the ducal stables. It arrived only a week later with the magical seal intact, but bore an additional line in a different hand: "Actually, there are seven of us at present. ~Laurence the Red"


"I beg that you might search your infinite wisdom and find mercy for your humble servant, Most Benevolent and Just Mistress of All that I Am, Triptych Goddess, Pharaoh Nenet Khepri Nefertiri, but I cannot continue to research the origins of... those wizards! When you first shone the radiant light of your purpose upon me I had seventy three servants who helped me to seek knowledge in your most glorious name, and now only two remain. Oh Mistress whose Light Illuminates the World, the knowledge is under a mighty curse! Their god itself must be behind it, I am certain."
— Jabari the Wise, on the Wizards of Wahlann
The history of the Wizards of Wahlann stretches beyond the reaches of contiguous written record, and even the more sporadic record from before this time are noticeably sparse surrounding the time of the organization's founding. Many theorize that the Wizards themselves are the cause of this, collecting and/or destroying all reference to their early years. What is known of their origin is that an entity known as Cilnethi Glearthumnal Leanvina gathered together the most powerful wizards of the age and enacted a ritual that lasted one hundred one years and a day. It is widely hypothesized that the Codex Miror was used in this ritual, but there is no evidence other than its timing to support the theory. Within moments after the ritual's completion, the assembled wizards entered the tower and formed their covenant with it and with one another; the Worldspike has not gone without its lords' stewardship for a single moment since.
Though they heavily influence history in the pursuit of their mandate, the Wizards of Wahlann take great pains to avoid actually taking part in it. They have no known stance on any geopolitical issue, avoid diplomatic interaction nearly without exception, and do not share knowledge or resources with any other organization or person. Even taking direct action to prevent arcane calamity no thought whatsoever is given to any involved parties, no judgement is made, nor sentence given. A wizard simply arrives, stops the cataclysm, takes steps to prevent it from occurring again, and then departs just as suddenly. The exceptions to this policy of non-involvement always take the form of response to direct threat against the tower, and they are always swift and deadly. A catalog of known and suspected examples of these responses follows:
  102-183 Wonder: It is believed that all records surrounding the founding of their order are collected and/or destroyed.   805 Wonder: Records show sightings of probable Wizards in the area during and after the Fall of Clan Duergar.   2010 Wonder: Victor the Black turns the Changelings' ritual back on themselves.   2054-2064 Wonder: The Worldspike is seiged by Molvan the Breaker, his losses are so extensive it is estimated the Fourth Great Demon War is shortened by at least thirty years.   2246 Wonder: Though its nature is unknown, there is clear record of Wizardly involvement in the Eclipse.   629-633 Reclaim: The only setbacks Keotihuacati sees in its extermination of the Song are when they occasionally overreach and lose a mage to the Wizards of Wahlann.   26 Sun: Genus Titus, the Father of Geneamancy, is recruited into the Wizards of Wahlann.   612 Sun: Benedict the Red stops Kaesus' Folly before Stygia can completely subsume the Prime Material Plane.   631 Sun: Clemence the Indigo, once Imperator Arcanum Kaesus, arbitrates the Pact Incabalum.   65 Adventurer: It is impossible to imagine that the Wizards of Wahlann were not involved in the Shatter, or what the world would look like today had they not been.   170 Knight: Felicity the Gold ends the Sorcerous Wars by killing half of the involved sorcerers at random and declaring the wars over.
Founding Date
102 Wonder
Guild, Mages
Alternative Names
Lords of the Worldspike
Controlled Territories


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