Eugammon the Scholar Character in Khthon | World Anvil
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Eugammon the Scholar


Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Incredibly thin, looks almost inhuman on his tall frame.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Eugammon the scholar is an anomaly so great, he may well be the first of his kind. Certainly he is the first member of the Mage Council in the history of Libria to hold such a position without the ability to cast a single spell. But even beyond that, he is well known and universally respected as an alchemist and scrivener, still without any direct magical talent whatsoever. Eugammon is actually something of an expert on magical theory as well, but suffers from a rare genetic disorder that entirely precludes him from channeling more than the tiniest spark of arcane power through his body. His disability hasn't impeded his desires or even his successes in the slightest, there was never any doubt from the moment he first set foot in a classroom that Eugammon would be receiving the full support of his native city in acquiring an arcane education, no matter what his blood might preclude him from. Eugammon has risen to such heights that even practitioners as skilled as Archytas and Aikaterine have been known to specifically seek out and employ him in their projects. Though he possesses great talent in both fields, his notoriety is far greater in alchemical circles than scrivening ones, mostly because there exist entirely non-arcane processes and applications, which means his condition does not impose even the minor limits that he encounters when scribing a spell scroll.   By temperament, Eugammon would have been opposed to Archelaos' takeover of the Magocracy, he was a true believer in the strictest interpretation of its hierarchies, and besides that in following the letter and spirit of the law. The Unifier's ascension had enough shades of gray to concern the Scholar. However, prior to his rise, Eugammon was Master of Industry, a job he hated and had felt he had no greater affinity for than many others. Since the founding of the Kingdom, he has served as Master of Alchemy, which he excels at and is passionate about. For this boon, he has decided to remain neutral to Archelaos' regime, and wait to see how things develop.


Eugammon scored perfect scores on every assessment he was ever given, allowing him to become the first student in the institution's history to successfully enroll at the Oceanic Academy of Wizardry without any personal spellcasting ability whatsoever.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Developing new alchemy, always
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Date of Birth
28th of Colû, 158 Knight
Brown, usually obscured by thick spectacles
Light auburn, cropped short
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quite pale
110 lbs
Aligned Organization


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