A Kind Destiny Can Trump a Cruel Fate Myth in Khthon | World Anvil
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A Kind Destiny Can Trump a Cruel Fate


Once upon a time there lived an Orosian girl fated never to see her 16th birthday. She was aware of her impending doom, yet remained one of the most joyful and kind girls one could meet. So charming was her demeanor that ever more righteous heroes and mightier kings would seek to intervene and plead for her life to be spared. The Fates always refused, and as they grew angrier at the audacity of so many mortals rebelling against the fate of this one little life they began worsening the cause of her death with each entreaty. Each step into greater horror inspired greater outrage and sent more people into  the breach, seeking to prevent the jaws of destiny from closing on such a sweet young girl. As the girl's time grew closer and her transition more terrifying, her cheer never faltered and if anything she treated those around her with even more compassion. The world may not reward such simple goodness, and the Fates certainly do not, but sometimes, just sometimes, the Gods do. Accounts vary on who took an interest, but some divine being of a magnitude great enough to not only defy the Fates, but spit in their eyes by taking from them one of their most anticipated resolutions and justifying all the mortals who had previously sought to change the outcome. Whoever it was took no half measures, and did not lie to the girl about what he had done: she had a way out of her doom, but she would have to tread the path and it would be treacherous: the Fates were furious and never give up on revenge. The young girl responded with the same grace she always did, and received another boon as a reward: that deity opened her Third Eye wider than any before and any since, allowing her to see the lay of Destiny, hers and all others. She would have to dodge calamity after calamity, certain death awaited her if she took even a single misstep. In all the days since, Xanthe, the Oracle of Oros, has never made such a mistake.

Historical Basis

The Oracle of Oros is, of course, quite real.   Xanthe is considered even today one of the kindest and contagiously happy people on Khthon.   Every Destiny she foretells comes with a warning that the Fates will seek to thwart it at every turn.


There are seven oracles in all the known planes, so the story of how one came to be is known far and wide.

Variations & Mutation

There are as many variations to the tale as there are powerful Gods, and each one colors the rest of the tale to make it more closely suit their sphere of influence.
Date of First Recording
14 Dark
Date of Setting
2186 Wonder
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