The Night of Fallen Dragons & The Dragonfall Accord Myth in Khinarzi | World Anvil

The Night of Fallen Dragons & The Dragonfall Accord

As time passed the deities of the multiverse were bound to encounter Khinarzi one day. This inevitable fact was terrifying to may as the last time a new god who had seen the plan and come to it. It had been the Dark One who ad brought pain, suffering and conflict to the plane. Khinarzi and the goddess Luna both reacted harshly to external gods, some had managed to slip into the nascent Twilight pantheon, but many more were beginning to notice the plane and began to scheme how they would enter the plane.    It was the two draconic gods who decided to sent their offspring to the plane, to lead the way for them implanting faith in them into the populace and further their plans. Some claim Bahamut only did this to counter the evil that Tiamat would bring to the world, however both were viewed with suspicion. Some dragons were blessed by other gods hoping they would also extend heir own individual schemes and plans on the plane.   In what would become known as the Night of Fallen Dragons, the draconic brood fell from the stars towards the plane, however they had not come unnoticed. The dragons found themselves confronted by an angry plane and goddess. And in what would be known as the Dragonfall Accords the dragons would remain one with the stars and be freed of the ties to their former patron deities. Any that refused or accepted without intent to follow the accord were instantly destroyed. And while some chromatic and metallic dragons remained true to their original natures each had the chance to chose their own paths and new breeds were formed as the dragons having gained a celestial essence during their descent from the stars altered their very nature. Some even become Lunar dragons agents of Luna to stand against the darkness, many of whom were formerly golden and silver dragons.


The coming of Dragons to the plane of Khinarzi and heir freedom from their prior ties and ascension into more celestial beings.
Date of Setting
Early Twilight Era
Related Species
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