Shadar-kai Species in Khinarzi | World Anvil


Shadar-kai are sworn to the Raven Queen’s service, they venture into the Material Plane from the Shadowfell to advance her will. This is no different on Khinarzi with many Shadar-kai coming from the Shadowfell portals that are common in Mystria and Molba, or the only known portal in Thalavis, in the Raven Queens temple.   Elves who prove particularly devout to the Raven Queen may also be shaped into Shadar-kai. This is a rarity though, it is unclear if this is maybe because of the Raven Queen's limited power of Khinarzi, or maybe an unknown pact made with Corellon. But what is known is when it does happen it is with great fanfare and celebration. But Shadar-kai who are made from this process are as bound to the Shadowfell as their regular kin and so on death will return there.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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