Shu’venath Province Geographic Location in Keverynn | World Anvil

Shu’venath Province

197,223 km square (122548.690 miles)
Hilly, temperate
Civilization: 52,600 square miles (26%)
Wilderness: 144,623 square miles (73%)
Population Density: 48 people per square mile
Total Population: 9,466,704 people
Rural Population: 8,898,702 people (94%)
Urban Population: 284,001 people (3%)
Isolated Population: 284,001 people (3%)
Arable land: 43% (85,132 km square)
Wilderness: 112,091 km square

  Livestock numbers: 13,016,718
8851368 fowl
4165350 dairy animals


Shu’venath Province experiences a humid climate. There are many lakes and hot springs to be found.

Fauna & Flora

Silver Dragons

Natural Resources

Ana-Lashann: They import Ryuutenshi silks and wood as well as the stone they make their buildings with. They export cloth made from a kind of cotton, inks, and books and bookbinding supplies.

  Auhine: The quarries of silvery-grey stone have made this a very prosperous town over the centuries it's been in existence. While the stone was used in the construction of Ana-Lashann and is still used there to a lesser extent, it is exported to many other locations at a very high price. It is a difficult stone to quarry and to transport, so the cost quoted includes all of those factors.

  Le’trayann: Le’trayann boasts a weaver’s hall that produces elegant golden lace.

Location under
Included Organizations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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