Winds of Chaos Vehicle in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Winds of Chaos

Her keel laid in 208, she was originally paid for by a conglomerate trade organization from Riverhaven.  However, when funds failed to appear, the half-built ship was set to be scrapped until Captain Baldur Mountaindark of the Steelhead Mercenary Company raised the remaining funds and took ownership of the vessel, which was launched in the fourth month of 210.

Designed originally as a cargo vessel, she saw delays in her construction as she was retro-fitted and redesigned for upper-deck mangonels and a pair of (at the time) innovative, forward-facing trebuchets.

She now serves as an auxiliary warship, a troop transport, cargo vessel, privateering vessel and mobile base-of-operations for the Steelheads, putting boots on the ground wherever, and whenever, they're needed.


The Winds of Chaos features four masts and a total of nearly 13,720square feet of rigging to propel her through the waters of the Reshal Sea and The Frigid Depths.

Weapons & Armament

Eighteen mangonels are mounted along her top decks, with a maximum range of approximately 300 feet.  Additionally, she is the first ship known to be purpose-built with trebuchets along her decks; though the matching pair aren't built on gimbles (and thus are fore-facing only), they have an extensive range of nearly 500 feet, depending on the load used.
Winds of Chaos, depicted near the island of Borealis in 219.
Hearth and Home
Creation Date
Maiden voyage in early 210
Owning Organization
Current location
65,000 gold Kronars
38 feet
226feet between the spars, with an underwater ram extending 25 more feet. Overall length 251 feet.
172 feet 8"
1300 Tons
Top speed of ten knots, but averaging closer to eight.
Complement / Crew
Fully loaded, she has a complement of nearly 1,500. However, her nominal crew and marine party is just under 600.


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