Valley of the Beyond Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Valley of the Beyond

In the ancient times of The Old World, the semi-migratory tribes of many peoples would venture into the area now known as the Valley of the Beyond to bury their honored dead. Where the tradition started is a mystery, but it remains a sacred place to many of the tribal peoples (orcs, ogres, the more socially-oriented trolls, and minotaurs, to name a few), who continue to utilize the valley to inter their most powerful rulers and influential warleaders.

The valley itself has the unique distinction of residing in both Zoluren and Therengia, as the geographic border between the two provinces passes directly through the meadows.


The majority of the Dark Valley consists of rolling hills covered by meadow grasses, intersparced by various cairns, tombs, or burial mounds.  Few trees dot the landscape, and those that do are usually adorned with ancient scripts carved into their bark or trunks, regaling deeds of greatness from one culture or another.


The Dark Valley is not, normally, a tourist attraction in the traditional sense; many tribespeople will visit it each year, making pilgrimages to see the shrines and tombs of their ancestors, but it is otherwise relatively devoid of humanoid life.  The exception, however, occurs when an important figure among one of the 'barbaric' peoples dies, as many clans from around Kermoria will gather to bury their honored dead.
Alternative Name(s)
Dark Valley, Valley of the Dead, Deadman's Vale
Additional Rulers/Owners


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