Townsaver Item in Kermoria | World Anvil
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The first and, arguably, the most powerful, of the blades forged by Rerutsa Uzim in the Skyforge, Townsaver was given as a gift to the ruling family of Zoluren sometime in the first decade after the death of Lyras.


Forged in the primal fires of the Skyforge and bathed in the magics of the Leylines converging there, Townsaver was given as a gift from the Elven smith to Jorge Vorclaf II, the six-times-great grandfather of King Roger Vorclaf.  The blade has remained in the possession of the Vorclaf family since that date, and, likely, will pass to Crown Prince Roger Vorclaf IV upon his ascension to the throne.


Though the Vorclaf family has ruled Zoluren for nearly six hundred years, and Townsaver has only been in their possession for a third of that time, it has become synonymous with their house, much akin to the royal scepter and crown.  The reigning monarch carries it both as a symbol of their authority, as well as a reminder of their duty to defend their country and their kin above all else.

King Roger I died whilst wielding Townsaver, fighting against an incursion of trolls in the Danduwen forest; it is said he fought with an unmatched ferocity as he and his men defended a caravan; only when the civilians were evacuated did he finally succumb to his wounds, refusing the embrace of Urriem'Tier so long as women and children were in danger.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Creation Date
Circa 300BD
Current Location
Current Holder
51" (including handle, pommel, and blade)
Raw materials & Components
The hilt, handguard, and pommel are constructed from smoothed, carved obsidian, a material not normally known for it's durability. However, during the forging process, it was alchemically and magically enhanced to be, effectively, indestructible. Even after years of use, there isn't a single scratch, nick, or gouge taken from the black hilt of the blade.

The blade and tang itself are forged of a beautiful water steel, with a swirling pattern running the entire length of the blade.

Inlaid into the black pommel, rather than a gem, is an ivory-inlaid carving; one side is that of a crossed sword and hammer, the other of a hammer and anvil.
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