Blades of Power Myth in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Blades of Power

Forged during the golden era, the brief bit of time between the fall of Teraptus and the beginning of the Lyras War, the Blades of Power were said to hold incredible potential within them, with enough magic contained in each blade to fuel a thousand cities for a thousand years.

Forged using the powerful leyline magics located beneath the Skyforge, Rerutsa Uzim set out to create four blades; however, there was not enough magic to imbue them all, so only three were completed and the fourth discarded.  Those three blades were then given as gifts to powerful families, in hopes they would be used to combat the evils of the world.

Sightblinder remained in her family, and is currently in the hands of her nephew, Rantjur UzimTownsaver was given to the Vorclaf Dynasty, and is currently carried by King Roger Vorclaf.  The third blade, Dragonslicer, was a gift to the Stonehammer Clan, specifically Corik Stonehammer.  It's current location is not known, and presumed lost when Corik died beyond the wall.

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