Sir Alistair Thorne, KR Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Sir Alistair Thorne, KR

Knight of the Realm

Alistair Thorne, a valiant human paladin hailing from the city of Therenborough, now the capital of the Nordreik but then the province of Therengia, stands as a beacon of unwavering justice and noble purpose. Clad in distinctive plate armor emblazoned with the emblem of the Radiant Companions, he embodies the very essence of devotion and righteousness. Alistair's life is dedicated to protecting the innocent and vanquishing the forces of darkness that threaten his new homeland of Zoluren, earning him a place of honor among the esteemed order of knights.

With divine blessings and martial prowess at his disposal, Alistair Thorne is a formidable warrior on the battlefield. His strong faith empowers him to heal the wounded, smite evil with righteous fury, and repel malevolent creatures with his holy presence. Alistair's unwavering commitment to his ideals and his readiness to face any challenge make him a symbol of hope and protection in the realm of Kermoria, a paragon of virtue and valor in the face of adversity.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Alistair Thorne's tale is one forged in the crucible of adversity and guided by an unshakeable sense of duty. Born into a modest family in the bustling town of Therenborough, his life took an unexpected turn when, as a young boy, he witnessed the horrors of a goblin raid that left portions of his home in ruins. The flames that consumed his childhood home also ignited a burning determination within his heart, vowing to protect his people and ensure that such calamities would not go unanswered.

As he matured, Alistair dedicated himself to this cause, eventually founding the Radiant Companions, an esteemed order of paladins devoted to upholding justice and safeguarding the realm from malevolent forces. Under his leadership, the order's ranks swelled with like-minded individuals who shared his unwavering commitment to the defense of the innocent. With Alistair at the forefront, they undertook perilous quests to purge evil from the land, thwart sinister plots, and heal the wounded. His heroic deeds and selfless devotion earned him respect among his peers and instilled hope in those who looked to him as a symbol of unwavering justice. With each battle fought, Alistair's resolve grew stronger, his faith more profound, and his conviction unbreakable, as he stood as a beacon of righteousness in the ever-present shadows of Kermoria.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The grand event of Alistair's knighthood was a resplendent affair that took place in the opulent halls of the royal palace in River Crossing, Ulf'Hara Keep. The ceremony was attended by dignitaries, nobles, and knights from across the realm, all gathering to witness the anointing of a new protector of the realm. The majestic hall was adorned with colorful banners, and the air was filled with the sweet melodies of court musicians.

King Roger Vorclaf II himself presided over the ceremony, donning his regal robes and bearing the kingdom's ancient sword. With solemnity and grace, the king recited the sacred oath of knighthood as Alistair, clad in shining armor, knelt before him. A hushed anticipation settled over the assembly as the king touched the flat side of the sword to each of Alistair's shoulders in turn, symbolizing the weight of the duty he was about to bear.

With a sense of profound purpose, Alistair was proclaimed Sir Alistair Thorne, Knight of the Realm, before the gathered audience. The crowd erupted in applause, and a triumphant cheer echoed through the halls as Alistair stood, a new champion of justice and honor. The accolades bestowed upon him were not just a recognition of his courage but also an acknowledgement of his unwavering commitment to the protection of the kingdom and its people. This momentous occasion marked the beginning of his journey as a knight, vowing to uphold the kingdom's values and stand as a beacon of hope in a world threatened by darkness.
Current Location
Date of Birth
Fourth day of the eighth month
Year of Birth
166 AV 56 Years old
Black, beginning to salt-and-pepper
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered, heavily scarred from years of battle
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by AI [Dall-E]


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