Osweiler Station Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Osweiler Station

Located atop one of the sub-peaks of Glittertind Mountain, Osweiler Station was built in 201 by the Royal Society for the Exploration of the Natural and Physical World with the express purpose of monitoring the volcanic activity of the mountain, as well as the massive crater-lake full of surface lava located therein; the belief by many scholars being that, should a significant seismic event occur, the lake could empty and pour lava down the mountain and flood portions of Bloodsnow Valley.  Because the depth of the great lake is not known, the extent of the damage can not be completely estimated, however, it is believed that nearly two thirds of the valley could be completely covered in a lava flow at least four inches thick.

Osweiler is manned year-round by some thirty members of the Royal Society, mostly volcanologists and some mountaineers, who often act as scouts and hunters to provide supplies to the scientists working there.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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