Ferdahl Rank/Title in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Ferdahl is an elected rank amongst the Ilithic people, an appointment lasting not-less-than ten years.  Many Ferdahl serve multiple terms, some serving as many as a hundred years in the post.  One part Mayor of the city of Shard and one part ruler of the entire province, the Ferdahl is responsible for appointing up to three advisors to assist in this function.


Tho there is no official requirement to be elected Ferdahl, it is generally assumed that an accumen for business is needed, as well as a shrewd mind and a willingness to defend the city, and the province, from attack.  Many Ferdahls of the past were great warriors, fighting off banditry or slaying  marauding monsters to make names for themselves and proving their mettle to the people.


One must simply be of legal adult age amongst their race (no race holds any weight over others), and be a citizen of the province.


Appointment to Ferdahl is completed on the first day of the first month, the day of the new year.  Should the incumbent be re-instated, it is a simple affair.  Should a new Ferdahl be taking power, the transition is done by one of the clergy of the city.   In the event of a power transfer due to the death of a sitting Ferdahl, the city's charter calls for one of the appointed advisors to be acting Ferdahl until such a time as a free election can be held.  In the city's history, this has only occurred once.   Additionally, only once has a Ferdahl abdicated their position, when Corik Stonehammer stepped down this position to more fully dedicate himself to the building of Corik's Wall, south of the Whistling Wood.  In this case, one of his advisors held the position until election, in which case power was transferred normally.


The position is twofold;  the Ferdahl is responsible as the de facto Mayor of the city of Shard, as well as ruling and protecting the entirety of the Province of Ilithi.


Upon retirement, should they desire it, the coffers of the city will be tapped for a great farewell festival in their honor, as well as for the building of a home on land that is granted in appreciation of service.  Traditionally, this land is taken far west of the city, near the mountains, but the city and provincial charter does not actually require this.

Accoutrements & Equipment

In formal events, the Ferdahl carries a long sceptre, forged of star metal and given as a gift from the Dwarven peoples living in the mountains.  When not in use for formal occasions, the Ferdahl is free to dress however they please.

Grounds for Removal/Dismissal

Under provincial charter, should gross misuse of the position or gross incompetence be proven, a Ferdahl can be removed and a new election take place.  This has yet to occur in the storied history of the Crystal City.
Form of Address
M'lady, M'lord
Equates to
As the ruler of the entire province of Ilithi, the Ferdahl carries the same weight as the Monarch of Zoluren, or the Baron(ess)of Therengia
Source of Authority
The Ferdahl is a freely elected official.
Length of Term
Not-less-than ten years, not to exceed fifteen.
Related Military Formations

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