Dowager Duchess Vehicle in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Dowager Duchess

To the untrained eye, the Duchess is just another full-rigged ship resting at harbor.  But, to the initiated, the Duchess is an anomaly that can not be explained; no shipyard, shipwright, or anchorage in Kermoria has a design even remotely similar to hers, nor do they have records of having laid her keel.  She is an enigma, and a unique one that at that. 

The first records of the Duchess were in 216 at the port of the Isle of Ratha, arriving under the command, and ownership, of Delvin Lynch with the intent to take on water, grog, and sundry food supplies.

The next recorded occurrence of the Duchess was in the fifth month of 217, when she once again pulled into the port of Ratha, with both ownership and captaincy transferred to Brianna Frost after she and her crew signed before a magistrate that he had perished fighting pirates and his body was lost to sea.

Under Brianna's command, the Duchess has since made frequent stops to River Crossing, Riverhaven, the majority of Qi'Reshalia and even Icetooth Bay.
The Duchess
Current location
2421 tons fully laden
The Duchess is said to be the fastest ship on the Reshal, with a purported speed of just over 22knots


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