Dirge Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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About half of the city is comprised of Dwarves, with the rest a good mix of just about every race, including full-blooded orcs, well-behaved ogres (typically laborers) and even a few fire genasi.


Though there is a city watch, order is typically maintained by the King's Justice, most often metered, when necessary, by Dirge's ruler, Duchess Dreamheart Delaevon, the Duchess of the Northern Realms.  Additional security is provided by a large outpost of The Cobalt Lions, who frequently are contracted to guard shipments of valuable gems and ores along the Northern Trade Route.


An outer city palisade and watch towers exist to protect from marauding bandits, but the majority of Dirge's defenses are in place to protect them from what they view is an inevitable attack from a dragon; each tower is armed with a skyward facing windlass, and almost every building is built of stone to protect against fire, both from dragon as well as ash from the nearby volcanoes.


The majority of Dirge is dedicated to iron ore and gem mining, and the trading posts necessary to facilitate the movement of thousands of tons each year.

Guilds and Factions

A multitude of different mining guilds, from ores to gems and even rock quarriers exist within the city proper, all vying lucrative trade rights.


The city of Dirge was utterly devastated by a large earthquake and minor volcanic eruption in 183AV.  It was rebuilt, stronger, on it's ruins the following year.


There is little to see in Dirge, except rocks, ore, and ash.  As it is off the 'beaten path' of the northern trade route proper, it sees very little tourism.
Founding Date
Approx. 2500
Location under
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank


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