Cromwell Hold Building / Landmark in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Cromwell Hold

Cromwell Hold is a luxurious castle nestled within the heart of the Danduwen Forest in the Kingdom of Zoluren. Originally built as a summer home for the King, it has become a place of respite and relaxation for those who seek to escape the hustle and bustle of city life. The castle's stunning architecture and opulent furnishings are a testament to the wealth and power of the kingdom, and a reflection of the refined tastes of its inhabitants.

Despite its grandeur, Cromwell Hold still maintains a connection to the natural beauty of the surrounding forest. The castle's gardens are filled with fragrant flowers and herbs, while the nearby woods provide ample opportunities for hunting and exploration. Cromwell Hold also serves as a hub for the local logging community, providing a source of employment and resources for the surrounding area. With its combination of elegance and natural beauty, Cromwell Hold stands as a shining example of the best that Zoluren has to offer.

Purpose / Function

Cromwell Hold serves as a summer residence for the King of Zoluren and his family, and is a symbol of the royal family's wealth and power. As a luxurious castle, Cromwell Hold is designed to provide the king and his guests with comfort, relaxation, and entertainment during the hot summer months.

The castle is located within the lush Danduwen Forest, which provides both aesthetic beauty and practical benefits. The forest provides the castle with a source of timber for construction and fuel, as well as game for hunting and fresh water from the nearby streams. Additionally, the forest serves as a natural barrier against any potential threats, making the castle a secure location for the king and his family to reside.
  Within the castle walls, guests can enjoy a wide range of amenities, such as beautifully manicured gardens, luxurious private chambers, a grand hall for feasting and entertainment, and even a private theater for performances. The castle also boasts a large, a magically heated pool for swimming, a stable of well-bred horses, and a kennel of well-trained hunting dogs. With all of these features, Cromwell Hold is a true retreat from the demands and stresses of royal life, and a place where the king and his family can truly unwind and enjoy themselves.


Cromwell Hold's architecture is inspired by the graceful curves and archways found in many Elven cities, blended with the practical needs of a noble's summer home. The castle is constructed with smooth, pale stones that glow like moonlight under the sun. The walls and towers are adorned with delicate carvings of forest creatures, flowers, and intricate patterns that catch the light and cast beautiful shadows.

The castle is designed to take advantage of the mild summer weather, with large open-air courtyards, terraces, and gardens. The main hall is a spacious, airy room with tall windows that provide views of the surrounding forest. The furniture is comfortable and luxurious, with plush cushions and soft fabrics. The bedrooms are spacious and well-appointed, with canopied beds, feather duvets, and silk sheets. All in all, Cromwell Hold is a perfect blend of beauty, comfort, and functionality, befitting the summer residence of a royal family.

Royal Gardens

One of the most striking features of Cromwell Hold is its beautiful gardens. The castle grounds feature an array of botanical treasures, from fragrant herbs and flowers to carefully tended fruit trees. The gardens are divided into several distinct sections, each with its own unique atmosphere and purpose.

The first garden visitors encounter upon entering the castle is the formal garden. This garden is characterized by neatly trimmed hedges, geometric flower beds, and a central fountain. It is a space of refinement and order, perfect for a leisurely stroll or a sophisticated gathering.
  Beyond the formal garden lies the wild garden, a space where nature is allowed to take its course. Here, tall grasses, wildflowers, and native shrubs thrive, providing habitat for local wildlife. The wild garden is a place of serene beauty and natural wonder, and it provides a refreshing contrast to the structured beauty of the formal garden.
  Another notable feature of the castle's gardens is the herb garden. This garden is a vital resource for the mages of Cromwell Hold, as it provides them with fresh ingredients for their magical experiments and healing remedies. The herb garden is a tranquil space, filled with the soothing scents of lavender, mint, and chamomile.
  In addition to the formal, wild, and herb gardens, Cromwell Hold also boasts a large orchard filled with fruit trees, a rose garden filled with fragrant blooms, and a vegetable garden where fresh produce is grown for the castle's kitchen. Each of these gardens serves a unique purpose, and together they create a beautiful and functional outdoor space for the castle's inhabitants.
  As the residence of the High Magistrix of the King's Mages, Cromwell Hold is home to a number of other powerful wizards and sorcerers. These mages work tirelessly to uncover the secrets of magic and develop new spells and magical techniques. The castle's gardens provide an ideal location for magical research, with their abundance of natural materials and peaceful surroundings. The mages of Cromwell Hold are dedicated to pushing the boundaries of magical knowledge, and their work has made the castle a hub of magical activity in the realm of Zoluren.


Cromwell Hold is a castle located deep within the Danduwen Forest of Zoluren. The castle was designed with luxury in mind, as it serves as the summer home of the King and a permanent residence for his cousin, Viscountess Loretta D'Archangel. Despite its intended use for relaxation and enjoyment, the castle is well-defended with both physical and magical defenses to ensure the safety of its residents.

One unique aspect of Cromwell Hold's defenses is that many of them are camouflaged into the surrounding forest. The castle's walls are constructed from natural-looking stone and are covered with ivy, making it blend seamlessly into the trees and vegetation. Additionally, the castle's main entrance is protected by a grove of magically-enhanced trees, which can create an impenetrable wall at a moment's notice.
  The castle's location within the forest also provides a natural defense, as the dense trees and underbrush make it difficult for intruders to approach undetected. The castle's design incorporates this natural advantage, with numerous lookout towers and hidden pathways allowing guards to keep watch over the surrounding area. The castle's moat, which is fed by a nearby stream, serves both as a physical barrier and as a source of fresh water for the castle's inhabitants.
  In addition to physical defenses, Cromwell Hold is also protected by powerful magical wards. The castle is enchanted with a variety of spells that can detect intruders and alert guards, as well as powerful illusions that can make the castle appear different than it actually is, confusing and disorienting potential attackers. The castle also contains magical traps, including hidden pitfalls and walls that can suddenly close in on intruders.
  Despite its numerous, extensive defenses, Cromwell Hold remains a peaceful and serene retreat for the King and his family. The castle's luxurious furnishings and beautiful gardens offer a comfortable respite from the demands of ruling a kingdom, while its discreet and natural appearance helps to ensure the safety and privacy of its residents.
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