Chen Yang Xui Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Chen Yang Xui (Za-wee)

One part myth and two parts lies, Chen Yang Xui may not actually exist, and if s/he does, it's best you don't mention it.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Little is know about the mysterious Chen Yang Xui; least of all whether Chen is even male or female!  What *is* know is that Chen is the leader of the Sanguine Pyramid, a crime syndicate operating in and around River Crossing.

Chen rose to power sometime around 217, when the previous leadership of the organization were all 'mysteriously' found by the authorities, bound, gagged, and hooded, outside of a local city guard outpost.  Since the change in leadership, the Pyramid has expanded their operation, from simple smuggling to, if the reports are believed, wildlife trafficking, racketeering, money laundering, forgery, counterfeiting, and all around malfeasance.

It is believed, though not currently corroborated, that the Sanguine Pyramid has begun working with various pirate organizations, including Jourok and the Red Sash Pirates, to get their goods travelled from one place to another, though this remains a theory with no physical evidence at this time.
Current Location
35? Ish? Who actually knows?
Blue? Black? Red?
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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