Red Sash Pirates Organization in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Red Sash Pirates


As of 221AV, there are four known remaining Red Sash ships terrorizing the Reshal Sea; Jourok's flagship, the Dawnsinger, the Dragon's Ire , the Enduring Twilight  and the repurposed galleon, the Hammer of the Witches.  Though no one knows for sure where their homeport is, it is suspected to be found within the harbors of the jungle isle of Hara'Jaal .


The Red Sash Pirates were formed as an official organization around 196AV; prior to this, discordant and unorganized bands of pirates were occasionally seen, but there was no leadership structure. That changed when Jourok and his wife Jomay began terrorizing the seas and conscripting other ships and crews to their cause.

Jomay was slain in 199AV by pirate hunters hired by Prince Roger Vorclaf ; in retaliation for this, Jourok coordinated with many of the ogre clans west of Rivercrossing, forming a shaky but workable alliance with their leader, Naark to invade the city by land and terrorize the communities while he and his pirates blockaded the harbor. This lasted for about nine months until Naark was killed.  Though their piracy continues, it is not as organized as it once was.  However, the mere threat of piracy has forced many merchant crews to hire on additional guards, or to lower their cargo capacities in order to make deck space for defensive weapons.

No quarter asked; no quarter given.

Founding Date
Illicit, Pirate Crew
Notable Members


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