Celestial Storm Vehicle in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Celestial Storm

Laid in 199 and commissioned in 201, the Celestial Storm remains a handy and capable vessel in the experienced hands of Captain Baldur Mountaindark.  Surprisingly nimble and agile, the Storm has seen a number of skirmishes during both privateering and anti-piracy action, and even tangled with the Dawnsinger in 209, living to tell the tale.

She was nearly destroyed after a pitched battle with the far-larger Dragon's Ire in 216; she survived because her captain beached her on the southern shores of the Isle of Ratha.  After expensive repairs, she was re-floated and limped into drydock where she was refit until 218, putting to sea in time to join her sister ship, Winds of Chaos as they circumnavigated Qi'Reshalia on a coordinated pirate hunt.
Fortune favors the bold
Creation Date
Owning Organization
Current location
61,000 gold Kronars
57 feet 1 inch
190 feet
Including the ship's draft, from keel, 154feet 9 inches
2589 tons fully loaded
14 knots nominal, with 18 achieveable
Complement / Crew
750, fully loaded


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