Karl von Stueben Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Karl von Stueben

Karl von Steuben was born in the city of Rossman's Landing, the son of a wealthy merchant family. As a child, he was known for his intelligence and charisma, and quickly rose to the top of his class in school. He became interested in politics at a young age, and was a vocal supporter of the Nordreik's policies towards the Elves.

After completing his education, Karl entered the Baron's, now the Imperial, bureaucracy, where he quickly rose through the ranks due to his hard work and intelligence. He was eventually appointed to the position of Minister for Information Management, where he has been instrumental in shaping public opinion and promoting the Emperor's policies.
  Karl is a dedicated and ruthless bureaucrat, who is willing to do whatever it takes to advance his own career and the interests of the Empire. He is known for his manipulative and cunning nature, as well as his ability to turn even the most unfavorable situation to his advantage.
  Despite his success in politics, Karl is a lonely man who has few friends and no family. He has never married or had children, and spends most of his time working late into the night in his office. Some say that he is consumed by his desire for power and control, and that he would do anything to maintain his position of authority within the Empire.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

As an older man in his late 50s, Karl von Steuben stands at about 5'10" with a slightly hunched posture, making him appear shorter than he actually is. He has a thin frame, and his once-straight posture is now slightly curved, likely due to years of hunching over books and paperwork. He has a receding hairline and what remains of his hair is gray and neatly trimmed. His face is angular with sharp features, and his brown eyes are deep-set and often give off an intense, almost fanatical gaze. Though not particularly physically imposing, he exudes an air of authority and intimidation, and his stern countenance often leaves those around him feeling uneasy.
Current Location
Year of Birth
166 AV 56 Years old


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