The Silver Pact Document in Karnum | World Anvil
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The Silver Pact

The Silver Pact is the treaty between all the major kingdoms of Silvaria to aid each other rather than hinder, kingdoms come and go but currently the members of the Silver pact consist of Aerodouth , The City of Lights , Stringot , Boulderfalls , Tinker Goffer , StreamCrossing , Frost-March Hold , Mirabar , and The Citadel of the Rabid Lands . The pact was first established in the year 246 with only 3 members (initially called the Silver Trinity) all but one of which have long since fallen into ruin. The eldest and only founding member of the silver pact that is still standing is Aerodouth with the others joining gradually afterwards with the most recent member being Mirabar . Those within in the pact consist entirely of the largest cities in Silvaria, each of which has responsibilities and privileges detailed in the print of the Pact. Whenever a city in Silvaria grows to 1,000 people the members of the Silver Pact meet and ask the leader, or leaders, of said city to join the pact. If they choose to join they are given their place in Silvaria and the Silver Pact is edited to include them, however, if they refuse, war is the only outcome. The most unique part of this pact is that not only is it engraved in Silver Tablets but it is also illegal to remove any terms from the pact which not only makes the signing process of the pact extremely long-winded and thorough but has also made it so that the tablets are extremely long, most of them contain details of the agreements struck by kingdoms which have long passed away.


The purpose of The Silver Pact is to minimize the chance of war between the nations of Yuruk-Tar since most cities on the continent are already teetering on the brink of destruction due to the hostile nature of land let alone a war. It has long been thought in Silvaria that if a creature is intelligent enough and trustworthy enough to be made an ally, it is a necessity to do so, because such creatures are few and far between and those that are brutish, evil, and seek to kill you are many.

Document Structure


The Silver Pact is divided into many sections with the arguably most important parts divided between the first four differents silver tablets fused together to form the document. The first details the history of the Pact and it's purpose along with a rather inspiring poem written by the Pact's original writer, Teron Furion. After this section are the two most lengthy sections of the pact. The first details the responsibilities of members of the pact where as the second details the punishments should any of the responsibilities fail to be met, both sections are subdivided by the nation that they corelate to. The last section of the pact details the legal and ritualistic procedures required to change anything in the pact as well as a blessing from Teron Furion which is still used to this day by Paladins that uphold order.
Although many of the tablets after the first 4 are negligible in importance there are a few important exceptions. One of the more important ones is the Treaty of Dragons, which states that Dragons are forbidden from assaulting any province of Silvaria and in return it is forbidden for any citizen of Silvaria to kill a dragon within its territory. Oddly enough the territory of dragons is far more concrete than one would think and can be found by finding the line that divides the areas that are affected by its magic from the areas that are not. This section of the pact in inlaid with gold containing crushed fragments of dragon scales of all kinds and has magically been imbued with the affect of being magically communicated into any dragons mind on their 6th birthday.


Although by nature the Silver Pact contains agreements struck by kingdoms that have long since passed away the only ones that the average person know about or care about are the agreements made by the kingdoms that currently stand. As such, the following includes all of the agreements made by the kingdoms of Silvaria that are still standing and are part of the Silver Pact:   "Aerodouth : Any time a city requests military aid from Aerodouth for good reason i.e. invasion from monstrous races, the purging of a stronghold of savage creatures, or the threat of a looming threat such as a dragon, Aerodouth must send aid of at least 100 men. What qualifies as "good reason" for a request of aid can be voted upon by the Silver Council with a majority vote deeming a reason a "good reason". In addition after the troops have been sent the city requesting them must fulfill a reasonable repayment for the troops. Once again what qualifies as reasonable repayment will be decided by the silver council. Failure to meet this requirement will result in a 5 year trade ban for each offense. This ban will make it illegal for any nation to allow merchants, traders, craftsman, etc. from Aerodouth to come to their cities or vice versa.   The City of Lights : The City of Lights is to maintain a library storing scrolls, books, documents, etc. This not only includes documents that have been gathered and found throughout the ages but is also to include a growing collection of any discoveries made by the mages of the College of Illumination. This library is to have a section open to the public as well as a section storing any knowledge of a more secretive or dangerous nature that is only accessible by both whoever the City of Lights sees fit as well as any government official working for any other member the Silver Pact i.e. kings and queens, nobles, court wizards, head generals or admirals, etc. Any violation of this mandate will result in an anti-magic field being established within the borders of The City of Lights until the transgression has been remedied.   Mirabar : The settlement of Mirabar shall be required to keep its markets open at all times unless there is a significant threat to the lives of its people or their property present, this can be decided by a vote of the Silver Council if necessary. They are required maintain diplomatic relations on behalf of Silvaria with the peoples of Uran Savnar. Should these relations deteriorate and war is declared upon Silvaria by the nations of Uran Savnar Mirabar will be required to make its best effort to ensure they do not cross into Silvaria. Blatant carelessness in regard to these duties will result in Mirabar being exiled from Silvaria as a whole until the duties have been fulfilled and the Silver council deems Mirabar worthy to rejoin Silvaria. (Although no part of the pact itself mentions this, the other kingdoms often expect a gift of reparation before voting in favor for Mirabar to leave Exile)   Stringot : The settlement of Stringot shall be required to supply a supply of food and crops and/or sufficient red crystals from Mt. Drenor, the exact amount is ever changing depending on the populations of the rest of Silvaria however should Stringot choose to provide food alone it is expected to provide roughly one seventh of Silvarias food supply. Should this agreement be violated Stringot will lose its right to call upon Aerodouths military and supplies will be taken by force from Stringot until its duty is fulfilled.   Boulderfalls : The Settlement of Boulder Falls shall be required to provide transport for goods to their desired destination for any Noble or higher authority that requests it, so long as the requesting party at least transports the good to Boulder Falls first. Should Boulder Falls fail to provide transport for any request that matches the requirements above they will be forbidden to transport any goods outside Boulderfalls excepting the offending request until said request is fulfilled.   Tinker Goffer : The settlement of Tinker Goffer must never refuse to at least engage in trade with the other settlements of Silvaria purchasing raw materials and selling manufactured goods with the following exceptions: If a kingdom proposes to sell raw materials that would overflow out of the storage buildings designated for such purposes as decided by the Silver Council then the people of Tinker Goffer may refuse to purchase the material. If the demanded purchase price is outrageously expensive in the purchasers eyes then they may make their plea to the Court of Commerce and where it will be decided whether the vendor must purchase the material or if the seller must lower their price or leave. If a patron demands to pay a price that is outrageously cheap for the manufactured good this may be settled in the same manner as stated prior going to the Court of Commerce. If no one is offering to buy or sell from Tinker Goffer it is obviously not required to meet these requirements. In addition to these requirements if the storehouses designated for raw material are full then all of the material must be manufactured into usable goods within 6 months. If any of these requirements are not fulfilled then a trade embargo on food of any kind will be put on Tinker Goffer until these requirements are met and a sufficient military force will be supplied by Aerodouth to enforce said embargo.   Frost-March Hold : The Hold of Frost-March shall be required to provide 5 tons of ore and/or stone to Tinker Goffer trading said ore and stone for the settled prices set by the Silver Council each year. In addition to this requirement is to attempt to maintain cordial relations with the people and creatures of the Underdark, and should this be impossible then they must at least keep said creatures and people below the surface, being given a regiment of 10,000 soldiers from Aerodouth to aid in this effort. Should the ore and store required not be provided sufficiently then any and all land on the surface formerly belonging to Frost March Hold will be deemed owned by Silvaria as a whole until the resources are provided. Should the requirements of the Underdark fail to be upheld, then complete and total destruction of the Underground portion of Frost March Hold until no tunnel is left standing will be deemed necessary until the Underdark creatures can be pushed back.   StreamCrossing : The Settlement of StreamCrossing will be required to offer the boats designated for the pupose of transport of persons and goods by the Silver Council for the price also decided by the aforementioned body. This includes the vessel as well as a crew and/or captain as required for the vessel to properly function without the needed interference of those purchasing the service although they may offer to help in navigation and travel. In return the price of the service will be reduced accordingly. If such a request for transport is denied then dams protected by Aerodouth Soldiers shall be contructed redirecting all rivers away from StreamCrossing and will remain in place until the offending request is agreed to be fulfilled.   Oubin Sadur :The Settlement of StreamCrossing will be required to offer the ships designated for the pupose of transport of persons and goods by the Silver Council for the price also decided by the aforementioned body. This includes the vessel as well as a crew and/or captain as required for the vessel to properly function without the needed interference of those purchasing the service although they may offer to help in navigation and travel. In return the price of the service will be reduced accordingly. In addition Oubin Sadur must scout the seas around Silvaria and compile port reports of the nearby oceans to Aerodouth. Should anything of concern be found a proper course of action must be decided upon by Oubin Sadur and executed. If naval strength be required Aerodouth may be called upon for impromptu sailors however Oubin Sadur must pay an appropriate fee. Failure to satisfy either of these requirements will result in the The Candle of the Depths being lit and guarded by a regiment of 1,000 Aerodouth Soldiers and will remain lit until the offending requirements of Oubin Sadur have been fulfilled.   The Citadel of the Rabid Lands : The settlement of the Citadel of the Rabid Lands shall be required to manage all of the affairs of the Rabid Lands. Any goods, transport, escort, or similar must be available for purchase for fair price determined by the Court of Commerce to any potential settlers of the Rabid Lands. In addition the Citadel of the Rabid Lands is fully responsible for the taxation, protection, and governing of the various settlements within the Rabid Lands. Every 10 years the Citadel is to send a report to the Silver Council of the goings ons of the Rabid Lands and the Silver Council will in turn investigate the settlements of the Rabid Lands. Due to the nature of the Rabid Lands governing and protecting it can be quite difficult however The Citadel must at the very least contribute substantial effort to this task as determined by the Silver Coucnil. The punishment for a transgression of this nature is complete segregation from trade and military reinforcements of any kind from the rest of Silvaria until these requirements have been met. In addition The Citadel must stand as the first defense for Silvaria against any threats from the Rabid Lands. The reprimand for such a infringement is naturally self inflicted.

Publication Status

The Silver Pact is only available in meeting chamber of The Silver Pact and only those whom rule the kingdoms it affects are permitted to view the pact.

Legal status

The Silver Pact is made valid by itself and the approval of every significant hold in Silvaria, it itself, even above the rest of the rulers of Silvaria, holds supreme jurisdiction of the laws of the land.

Historical Details


The Silver Pact marks the end of strife of human kingdoms and human kingdoms in Yuruk-Tar. The hardiness of Silvarians was great back then but not great enough to resist the trials of the land. Out of disparity all the kingdoms of Silvaria gradually agreed to the pact and thus cooperation and peace between the human kingdoms of Yuruk-Tar began and although many are only belligerently members, and others seek to shift the balance of the Pact in their favor, the pact has still managed to keep this peace together. It is the hope of the nations of Silvaria that like the Silver into which it is engraved, the Silver Pact will never tarnish.


When humans had first come to Silvaria they tried to establish kingdoms however the constant fighting with one another left each kingdom too weak to defend against the tides of disasters and monstrosities that characterize Yuruk-Tar. Hence, in 244 Teron Furion, Warrior King of Aerodouth, had the pact engraved onto silver tablets and spend 2 years afterwards trying to convince as many kingdoms as he could that a strict but fair treaty between the nations current and all to come was necessary to survive. Although most rejected him he managed to find two other kingdoms, Beronfell and TinesGrove, both of which have long ago fallen, willing to join him. These three outlasted all other kingdoms which came and went by hundreds of years, defending one another in times of war and providing for each other through whatever requirements were laid out in the contract. Gradually, out of disparity, more and more kingdoms joined them until all major rulers had signed the pact. From that point forward no great kingdom has risen that did not sign the Pact and was not entirely destroyed.

Public Reaction

Many were and still are reluctant to be part of the Silver Pact however when it was first made it was a sign of hope and peace. To this day most still appreciate the Silver Pact however many feel it oppresses them. Despite this there is very little resistance has been made against the pact since it has been so stable for so long that it seems more like a fact of life than a contract.


Since its publishing the Kingdoms of Yuruk-Tar have remained united and Silvaria has long enjoyed peace between the nations. No war between any major kingdoms has been waged and no line of the Silver Pact has yet been violated. Many people of Silvaria believe that as long the Silver Pact exists war between kingdoms shall be non-existent in their lands, however many skeptics believe that as soon as the natural enemies of Yuruk-tar such as the orcs, dragons, giants, natural disasters, etc. are not at prevelent the kingdoms will slowly begin to violate the pact and the kingdoms of Silvaria will repeat the cycle of war that is constantly seen on the other continents.


As far the Silvaria's rulers are concerned the Silver Pact will last forever, or at least as long as any two kingdoms are still standing on Yuruk-Tar.
Treaty, Diplomatic
Authoring Date
Ratification Date


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