The Portal to Akun Myth in Karnum | World Anvil
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The Portal to Akun

There is said to have been a brief time when Yuruk-Tar and the Eastern Isles were connected by a portal that allowed all to freely travel between the two. It was long ago that the portal disappeared. It is said a secret and selfish people stole it and hid it away deep in an underground labyrinth. No one knows where it is and those who did likely perished in trying to find it as they were slain by the secret peoples.


One day long ago creatures came from across the eastern sea and traveled across the Rabid Lands, at last they came to the city of Harkov, which fell into ruins long ago. These creatures stood on their hind legs and used their hands like a man, and yet they were covered in black fur, had fangs, ears like those of a lion, and claws. They called themselves "Tabaxi". They brought with them several stones made of obsidian with intricately carved symbols on them. In the center of the town a crowd gathered around them as they set the obsidian stones on top of one another. As they placed them they spoke words in their own language, and with every sentence the symbols would glow fiery red and affix themselves in place on top of each other. They continued until the stones formed an archway. Then they said something long winded and with beautiful words. The symbols glowed brighter than before and with a flash of light in the archway a portal appeared. Through the portal could be seen vibrant flowers, tall foreign trees and plants, creatures none there had seen before, a towering volcano, and most importantly, a city. Populated entirely by the tabaxi. Although they could not understand eachother when the travelers beckoned towards the portal many from Harkov went through. From that day forward the portal served as free transportation from Silvaria to to the city of Akun. Luxuries that had never been seen before in Silvaria came through the portal and vice versa, many of which is rare or impossible to find today. People enjoyed the luxury of the portal until one day a wicked people came through the portal. None recognized these abominations, parts of them resembled humans while the other parts resembled serpents. Abominations with snake heads and creatures with swarms of snakes rather than arms attacked Harkov. That day the surprise attack overwhelmed the city. Not even the tabaxi recognized the snake people and thus none of their weaknesses, if any, were known. They snuck into fortifications as smaller snakes and overwhelmed several men at a time constricting them as they transformed into giants constrictor snakes. They were proficient with blade, spell, and fang. As the city burned they dismantled and stole the portal speaking a tongue that was an insult to the words that originally constructed it, foul and harsh. Now the portal is assumed to be hidden deep underground however none truly know what happened to it.

Historical Basis

The story has lost much of its details to history however this event was recent enough that all that is told in the myth is true. Harkov was sacked and destroyed by snake-like people who subsequently disappeared with a portal through which one could access the Eastern Isles.


All tabaxi know this myth and although it isn't popularly told many know it, particularly those near where Harkov stood such as Stream Crossing and Boulderfalls.

Variations & Mutation

Some myths say the portal was intentionally put there by the tabaxi in order for the snake people to attack and that the tabaxi joined in the assault while others say the opposite. Many myths vary in the description of the people that sacked Harkov, some say they were tribal people that merely tamed snakes while others say they were wholly snake and were simply sentient. Some even say they were mixed with another animal entirely such as crocodiles or that they were half plants. Myths vary even more on what happened to the portal. Most tellings say it was destroyed completely while others say it was brought back to Akun, furthermore one myth claims that the portal lies directly underneath the ruins of Harkov and that a secret civilization lives beneath the ground there.

Cultural Reception

Few people actually care about the myth and many simply tell it to children as a bedtime story. The Tabaxi however consider it very real and a tragedy since it has separated them from their home. Some others, especially those in the trade business also consider it a tragedy but more so for monetary reasons. Others still have conspiracy about snake men living amongst them planning to strike.

In Literature

There are many, many, books describing the lands of the Eastern Isles and especially Akun. They talk of its natural beauty and its peculiar inhabitants, wild and civilized alike. Some other books detail the snake people in more detail however most of these are more theory than fact.

In Art

There are plenty of paintings depicting the lands of Akun and its vibrant jungles and beautiful fauna. There are even some paintings of the city of Akun. There are also two known songs about Akun and these events. One is a lamentation often sung by tabaxi in memorial of the destruction of the portal and one song is still sung by farmers, ranchers, and druids, about the "mystical" land of Akun.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting


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