Ioeis Blooms Item in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil

Ioeis Blooms

Narcissus Magicae

Predjudices in the human capitals are subtle but deeply ingrained in the general culture. While addressing these predjudecies head-on can be seen as distasteful and met with anger, many have found suble ways to show support for ousiders, non-humans, or lower-class individuals.
In the darker corners of human civilization, a specific strain of ioeis blooms are planted in window boxes and put on display as a beacon to those who need help. Ioeis flowers are extremely common across the entire continent of Allegri and have been cultivated by humans for centuries. Despite being an extremely common plant, this specific breed of daffodil has become the defacto icon for racial and specist equality, likely because they are easy to find and care for. They bloom every 12-16 weeks which allows for consistent pop of colour in gardens and grow tenaciously, often choking out smaller plants nearby over time.
If anyone is in need of help, they know that a building displaying these purple and green flowers is a safe place to ask for assistance. There are a couple simple ways for these people to signal for help depending on the kind of building they find;
Homes and private residences displaying ioeis blooms are safe to approach and simply knock if nobody is outside to greet them. When the resident opens the door, the visitor should make a casual, friendly comment about the flowers, for example; "I noticed your ioeis blooms are quite large and I was hoping you would be open to talking abou them." At this point the homeowner will generally invite the person inside and drop any pretext once it's established they are in need of help.
Businesses and shops that feature ioeis blooms require a little more subterfuge when being approached and a longer dialogue is usually required since there may be other patrons present and listening. The formula is the same; ask about the flowers and use innuendo or non-verbal methods of communication to establish the best way to get the help they need. Often, business such as pubs or taverns will have a system in place by which the point of contact will acknowledge the comment and respond with a version of; "Everyone who works here really love the flowers outside and we all help take care of them." This signifies that the entire establishment is on-board with the meaning behind the flowers.


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