Dark-Heart Geographic Location in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil


Light in the Darkness

In the ancient times before establishing the Mansa and civilization as it is known today, the being called the Dark-Heart was the only thing visible in the blackened night sky. Back then, among humans, is was commonly believed that Dark-Heart and Bright-Soul were gods of creation who endlessly circled the world and maintained the balance between light and dark so life could flourish.
Now, millennia later, we have developed powerful magic and science that lets us see across vast distances. We know that Dark-Heart does in-fact orbit our realm and that it does not truly emanate light or change shape as it might appear. It is now believed that Dark-Heart is much closer to our realm than Bright-Soul, and the light we see from Dark-Heart is actually light from another unknown source reflecting off Dark-Heart. Some who study the sky speculate that Dark-Heart may actually be another realm, similar to our own but distant. We know that the two heavenly bodies are not gods - because the gods have told us - but before they were faraway phenomena they could have been anything. Through our interactions with elves and other long-lived species we've a broader scope of history beyond what can be recalled from prehistoric human evidence.
There are still many old superstitions and myths surrounding Dark-Heart, particularly the Tale of Eight Wands and the creation of humankind. Since it was seen as half of a greater whole, conjoined with Bright-Soul, stories of how such a joining occured and why are popular tales. Despite the common knowledge that what can be seen of Dark-Heart is not a sentient being, many continue to look upon it's ever-changing appearance with awe and reverence. Poets love to write about the beauty of Dark-Heart and it's nearly impossible to sit through a musical performance of any kind without hearing romantic nonsense about their love of the night, or how entangled their life is with the waxing and waning of Dark-Heart.
Planetoid / Moon


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