Braditt Character in Kaos Rhythm | World Anvil


Deity of Travel and Messengers

Skyspeaker, Eternal Air, Lord of Wanderlust

The tall, willowy woman walking at your shoulder hums a couple quiet musical notes while casually plucking at her undersized harp. Her boots and coat are dusty from the road but she's smiling and clearly happy to be leaving the city behind. The pack on her back is clearly well-made, but has seen a lot of use and is filled to capacity with unknown contents. Oddly enough, the clearly full pack doesn't seem to weigh on her shoulders at all, like it was simply part of her, like her arms or head, and she moves with the freedom of the sky itself.
  There are many myths involving her ill-fated adventures with her sister, Anyrax.   She is tall and of average build, and often looks sly. She usually wears clothing best for travel, trousers and sturdy boots and carries a small silver harp that she likes to play while traveling.  
It is rumoured that Braditt has the ability to speak and communicate with all creatures. People over the centuries that have claimed to travel with Braditt say she spoke their native language perfectly, despite generally appearing to others as a young elven woman. One account, written by an elderly elven scholar traveling to Etude to study at the Dannamore, claimed that a young woman playing a small harp was able to converse in the exact dialect of the elven language that was spoken in her chidhood tribe. Her tribe had been absorbed by a larger elven settlement over four hundred years before this and there was no possible way for such a young elf to ever learn the coloquialisms of such a long-lost accent.

Divine Domains

Some may feel the air on their skin, but Braditt can touch the currents of Elemental power flowing through the skies. Wind, lightning, and storms are at her disposal. Those she blesses often find the wind is always at their back and constantly followed by a sweet smelling breeze.
It is rumoured that the goddess has the ability to speak a language that all can understand and the meaning of her words are clear to all. She can speak to a crowd and each individual can understand a different meaning from her words.
Braditt is the consumate wanderer. Constantly on the move and happiest with the open road beneath her feet. She happily blesses those she meets on the road and travels covertly while disguised as with many different aliases, usually pretending to be an elf to hide her agelessness.
An aspect of her divinity that many do not know, Branditt is sly and subtle. Her gift of commucation flows in two directions - making all things clear or obfuscating all meaning. She can speak a phrase with more meanings than words and only those she desires have half a hope of understanding her intent. Nimble as a cat and twice as silent, Branditt has a habit of ending up in the possession of mysteriously missing items of all kinds.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Many folk associate anything sky-bound with Braditt, but in truth she only truly identifies with the harp. To her, the harp is a symbol of freedom and secretly leaves her blessed harps where she knows faithful travelers will find them.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Braditt is the quinessential wanderer and thus has few goals except to travel and espouse the merits and benefits of being a well traveled individual. She understands that not all people are 'good' travelers and encourages those with the desire to follow their insincts rather than root themselves somewhere when they'd be happier freely wandering the world, despite it's dangers.

Mental characteristics


The greatest sin one can commit, in the eyes of Braditt, is to keep oneselft tied to things that no longer serve you or a purpose. Traditions served a purpose at one point but if that purpose is no longer being served people and organizations should change, adapt, and evolve to meet any new needs that arise. Change is difficult but rewarding.
Divine Classification
Deity, lesser
Associated Arcana:


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