Schola Magus Organization in Kalin | World Anvil

Schola Magus

Created during the Assemblage of Mages the Schola Magus is the chief magical education academy in the world.   Place far underground beyond even the Dwarves ability to reach, the Schola Magus is home to over a thousand full time students, professors, and magical researchers. Protected by the Schola Custodi and the raw abilities of those who study there the Schola Magus is one of the safest places in the world. This is aided by the fact that only those with the ability to teleport can access the academy unless they’re at one of the few permanent portals placed throughout Kalin. Portals that can be closed at a moment’s notice if need be.   Getting accepted to the Schola Magus is a great honor, requiring the showing of great arcane gifts or a powerful ability to learn. Less than 1/4th of students who apply to study at the college full-time get accepted, though many travelers are allowed to visit and pay large amounts of gold to learn on a more simple level.


Very much like a university, with magical guards.

Public Agenda

To educate and preserve magical knowledge in the world, independent of any political or secular interests.

Logica Magia Veritas

Founding Date
Educational, University
Alternative Names
The Wizarding School, Magical College
Subsidiary Organizations